11月份四念處默照禪進階禪七報名表(Application Form for Meditation Course)
報名成功後,報到前請主動先查看近期禪修活動("http://ddm.nctu.me/Activity.html") 上  的課程是否有變動或取消!
* 為必填欄位
Please answer all the questions. This information will be kept strictly confidential.
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報名別 *
電子郵件地址 *
真實姓名(Name) *
您的手機號碼(Mobile) *
您的Line ID *
緊急聯絡人姓名及電話(Emergency contact Mobile) *
年齡(age) *
聯絡住址(Home Add)
性別 *
學歷(Highest Education) *
您是否希望日後接收活動訊息的email通知 *
1. 您有學習過任何靜坐或禪修方法嗎? 如有,請略述。  previous experience, if any, have you had with meditation ? if so, please give details. *
有沒有家庭成員或朋友一起參加這一期課程? Do you have family member or friend participating this course? *
您有沒有任何身體上的健康問題或疾病? 如:糖尿病、心臟病、癲癇症、高血壓,或傳染病如:肝炎、肺結核、傷寒、愛滋病或帶原者,或是其他…。 Do you have any YES health problems, e.g., diabetes, heart disease, epilepsy, high blood pressure, active communicable diseases such as hepatitis, tuberculosis, typhoid, HIV, AIDS, etc.?如有,請備註詳述(日期,症狀,已病多久、治療情形,現在狀況)。 if yes, please in the remarks column give details(symptoms, their severity, duration, recurrence, treatment). *
現在或過去,您有沒有精神(心理)方面的問題呢?如明顯沮喪或焦燥、惶恐、極度沮喪或人格分裂等? Do you have or have you ever had any mental health problem, e.g., significant depression or anxiety, panic attacks, manic depression, schizophrenia etc.?如有,請備註詳述(日期、症狀、已病多久、入院、治療情形、現在狀況)。 If yes, please in the remarks column give details (symptoms, their severity, duration, recurrence, treatment, hospitalization, dates). *
您現在或最近兩年內有沒有服用過醫生處方的藥品? Are your now taking, or have you taken within the past two years, any prescribed medication?如有,請備註詳述 (日期,藥名,劑量,目前服用情形)。 If yes, please in the remarks column give details (types, dosage, frequency and duration of use) *
您現在或最近兩年內有沒有服食任何酒類或毒品,如大麻,安非他命,巴比妥鹽,古苛鹼,海洛因,或其他麻醉品等。 Are you now taking, or have your taken within the past two years, any drug, e.g., amphetamines, barbiturates, cocaine, heroin, alcohol, or other intoxicants?如有,請備註詳述(日期,種類,吸食量,上癮情況,治療方法,目前服用情況)。 If yes, please in the remarks column give details (types, amounts, frequency and duration of use, treatment). *
本人同意在課程進行期間待在禪修課程地點的範圍之內並遵守所有規定。本人了解禪修課程是一個嚴格的訓練,要接受這個訓練需要具備健全的身心狀況,本人保證自己能夠承擔此一訓練。本人在此聲明,盡我所知,以上所填寫的資料是真實的。 I agree to stay on the course site and abide by all the rules and regulations for the duration of the course. I realize that a Meditation course is a serious undertaking that will require my full mental and physical health and I certify that I am fit to undertake it. I hereby certify that the above information is true to the best of my knowledge. *
收費通知:明白後請勾選 *
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