VDS Alumni Form v2
Past VDSers, I hope that the world is treating you well and that some of the things you learned in VDS are helping out. Every year, we give an annual report of the FRI stream and we try to convey what past VDSers have gone on to do so that we can see the impact that VDS and FRI may have had on your life trajectory.  If you'd like to share, please do so here

Thanks, Dr. B
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My first name is: *
e.g. William
My last name is: *
e.g. Beckham
Is this a bad email to use? If so, please list an alternate:
Please update me on what you are doing now and anything significant along the way: *
e.g. current role in your job, graduate school, med school, pharmacy school (e.g. Biochemistry Ph.D. program at University of Utrecht in the Netherlands), teaching, internships, volunteer work, etc.
List any achievements that you have earned e.g. publications, scholarships, awards, presentations
Please name the award, scholarship, conference, etc.
Please share any inspiring thoughts that you may have relative to your VDS experience....
e.g. my VDS skills saved my life when I had to fight off a bear with a pipette
The one piece of advice I would give to a new freshman starting out in VDS would be:
The best class I ever took was:
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Would you be interested giving advice to the FRI program about what makes the FRI experience works well and what could be improved?  (Dr. B will send your email to the FRI Assistant Director and they will end up selecting a few Alumni from each stream)
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