5 Questions
An Interview Feature of Our Dawn Breaks
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Briefly describe your "dawn" (reaching your goal, launching your own business, coping with health issues, overcoming addiction, etc) *
The Questions
Provide as much or as little detail as you want. Several prompts follow each question to give you some ideas. You decide how to share your story!
Who encouraged and motivated you? *
Was there someone in particular who mentored you or provided support? Can you share an example? Or did you do this all on your own?
What was an obstacle that you are proud of overcoming? *
Did you encounter a serious roadblock? What was most frustrating for you? Was there a time when you thought about giving up?
When did you realize that you were on the right path? *
Did you reach benchmark goals along the way? Was there a moment when you felt like you had "arrived," like having your work promoted by another person or business? Were you able to help another person in the same situation? Were there positive side effects that just generally made your life better?
Where did you find inspiration and ideas? *
Can you provide some examples of resources you used? Was there a specific instance that sparked your interest?
Why did you pursue this course? *
Was this always a dream of yours, or did it come about rather suddenly? Did something happen that necessitated change?  Is this a stepping stone to bigger and better things?
Anything else?
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