Unit 2:  In Poor Taste
Make sure to read the attached passage, taking note of the boldface words and their contexts.  These words are among those you will be studying in Unit 2.  It may help you to complete the exercises in this unit if you refer to the way the words are used below.

Note the spelling, pronunciations, part(s) of speech, and definition(s) of each of the following words (attached).  Finally, study the lists of synonyms and antonyms.  
1. In Shakespeare's Macbeth, after the ____________________ of the Scottish King Duncan, the sleepwalking Lady Macbeth cries that she cannot clean her bloodstained hands. *
2. Antibiotics can be a very effective means of ______________ the spread of some diseases. *
3. Queen Victoria began her _________________ in 1837 at the age of 18 and ruled until her death in 1901, a period known as the "Victorian Age." *
4. All during the nightmarish period, I found myself _______________ by fears about the future. *
5. The public's _______________ to government may be measured by the number of people who don't vote. *
6. When the salesclerk replied rudely to my polite inquiry about the price of the garment, I became a bit __________. *
7. Because I am a creature of habit, I can't do anything in the morning without first having my ___________ cup of coffee. *
8. The judge explained to the jury that killing someone in self-defense may be considered justifiable, or non criminal, __________________. *
9.  Unfortunately, nothing any of us said could ______________ Ned from his plan to quit his job. *
10. Though I have no means of knowing for sure where Joe and Miguel happen to be, may I _______________ the guess that they're in the gym? *
11. Innocent or guilty, no one involved in a major political scandal ever comes away from it entirely _____________. *
12. Young ______________ have made millions from start-up companies that develop and sell apps for smartphones and tablets. *
13. The aid that we have ________________ given each other during the years has enabled both of us to overcome many problems. *
14. You cannot ignore me for months on end and then take it for granted that I will be _________________ whenever you want me. *
15. Your excuse for missing practice was so __________________ that even a child would have seen right through it. *
16.  That fired that started from smoldering embers in the chimney totally destroyed the house, but fortunately everyone in the family escaped _______________. *
17.  When the new __________________ took power, it canceled or reversed most of the policies of its predecessor. *
18.  A little courtesy can do much to _______________ the machinery of our everyday social life. *
19.  In Shakespeare's day, an actor who displeased the audience might find himself ______________ with a barrage of rotten vegetables. *
20. Do you agree with the criticism that many television programs shamelessly _____________ to the lowest tastes? *
21.  When my 8-year-old sister started up a successful chain of lemonade stands, I knew we had a budding _____________ in the family. *
22.  Southern _____________ agitating for a complete break with the Union helped speed the coming of the Civil War. *
23.  On our long camping trip, we learned that we could get along without many things that we had considered _______________. *
24.  It seems that only last year she was an awkward child, but now she is a charming and _________________ young woman. *
25.  The locksmith says we should ______________ the lock to keep it functioning. *
1. Find the synonym:  is "vital" to the good of the community. *
2.  Find the synonym:  found guilty of "murder" *
3.  Find the synonym:  met the new "impresario" of sports entertainment *
4.  Find the synonym:  began to "pepper" the windshield with hailstones *
5.  Find the synonym:  lucky to survive the battle "unimpaired" *
6.  Find the synonym:  is considered a "rabble-rouser" by colleagues *
7.  Find the synonym:  was needed to "grease" the bicycle chain *
8.  Find the synonym:  hired to "provide" food for the wedding guests *
9.  Find the synonym:  thrived under the new "administration" *
10.  Find the synonym:  wants to "discourage" her from taking the job *
1. Find the antonym:  an "unambitious assistant" in a struggling company *
2.  Find the antonym:  was "wounded" in the explosion *
3.  Find the antonym:  "overjoyed" when the candidate lost *
4.  Find the antonym:  an arid climate that "dried out" our sinuses *
5.  Find the antonym:  "unusual" healing methods *
1. It takes a special kind of bravery to face the _________________ of life in the jungle. *
2. Although the legislators have done nothing to further the passage of the bill, they haven't tried to ___________ the process either. *
3.  Only a really hard-hearted person could show such _________ to the plight of the homeless who wander our streets.
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4. When the wounded shopkeeper died, the charges against the person who had been arrested were raised from robbery to _________________________________. *
5.  It took the authorities quite some time to put down the riot that a few rash ________________ had managed to start. *
6.  Angry at the call, the crowd began to _____________________ the referee with all kinds of refuse. *
7. A sense of humor is ______________________ if you are to cope with all the strains and difficulties of everyday life. *
8.  Mother prepares wholesome and tasty meals, but she says she is not going to ___________ to the special tastes of six different children. *
9.  Because the seat covers in the car were _______________, we could see the attractive patter of the upholstery underneath. *
10.  At the front desk, a(n) ________________ guest was angrily complaining about the shabby treatment he had received from the staff of the hotel. *
11.  Though the habit of taking a siesta in the afternoon may seem strange to a foreigner, it is quite _________ in this part of the world. *
12.  Until it was almost too late, the hunters did not see the leopard crouching in a tree _____________ to leap on them. *
13.  The guidance counselor tried to ______________ me from taking the job because she though the work would be too high-pressure for me. *
14.  Eventually, the army toppled the country' democratic ______________ and set up a military dictatorship in its place. *
15. Most of the homeowners in this area have tried in vain to overcome the _______________ of crabgrass that threatens to overrun their lawns. *
16.  When we ______________ the engine of a car, we try to cut down the friction at every point. *
17.  Having spent many years as political opponents, the two senators have since developed a(n) __________________ respect for each other. *
18.  With the emergence of market economies in Eastern Europe have come hordes of __________________ seeking business opportunities there. *
19.  Although we arrived at the stadium only a few minutes before the game, we found that many good seats were still _________________. *
20.  No one has ever been able to explain to my satisfaction how any person can walk ________________ across beds of hot coals. *
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