BCRE Grades 6-7-8 Home Study, 2018-2019 Pre-Test
This online form is used for participants to complete the start-of-year pre-test provided by Pflaum, whose materials we use.  We will be learning all this material during the year - you are not expected to know it already!  But if you do, it will be good to know what you are familiar with.  Do your best - skip anything you are unsure about.
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1. An epistle is a...
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2. Sacred Scripture is another word for...
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3. One of Jesus’ titles is the...
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4. The public worship of the Church is...
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5. The bishop anoints the candidates during the Sacrament of...
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6. Which is a Jewish feast?
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In the next section (questions 7-12), match the correct definition given with the term / word in the choices.  You will only use each word / term once.
7. The act of God raising Jesus from the dead.
8. The mystery of God becoming man in Jesus.
9. The feast that celebrates the Magi coming to Bethlehem to worship Jesus.
10. A word that means “the anointed one”.
11. The 40 days when Christians prepare to celebrate Easter.
12. The first season of the Church year.
For the next few questions, answer either True or False.  If false, think about what makes it false.
13. Christians are called to help the poor.
14. The common good is all social conditions that allow the wealthy to reach their fulfillment as human beings.
15. Mary Magdalene was the first person to see Jesus after his Resurrection.
16. The Gospel writers are Matthew, Mark, Paul, and Peter.
17. At Mass, we pray the Lord’s Prayer to unify us.
18. The Holy Spirit is the First Person of the Trinity.
Match the following - you will only use each word across the top once.
Good Friday
John the Baptist
19. He baptized Jesus
20. He received the Ten Commandments from God.
21. This is the name given to the Jewish people’s escape from Egypt.
22. This is an event that goes beyond what science can explain.
23. This is the day we commemorate Jesus’ Death.
24. This prayer honors Mary and encourages us to meditate on the mysteries of Jesus’ life.
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For questions 25-30, choose the correct answer.  Then you'll be done!
25. In the Old Testament, the Hebrew word meaning “song” refers to the Book of...
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26. Baptism is one of the Sacraments of...
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27. In preparing to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation, we should...
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28. Jesus said that those who would be the greatest in his Kingdom must...
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29. Actions we take to help others are called...
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30. These are laws from God that describe our relationship and duties to God, others, and ourselves.
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