ARCW End of Course Teacher Evaluation- Fall 2017
Please use this form to provide Mr. Raby with feedback on his performance this semester.
Conectează-te la Google ca să îți salvezi progresul. Află mai multe
Your name
If you do not want to record your name, you do not have to.
What block do you have Mr. Raby? *
What did you enjoy about this course?
What has been challenging for you about this course?
What else would you have liked to learn about during the course? This could be content or skills.
What did you learn that you found valuable? This could be skills or content?
What advice would you give Mr. Raby to make the course better in the future? What should he focus his efforts on to make this a better experience for students?
What advice would you give to the students who are taking this course next semester?
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Acest formular a fost creat în domeniul Thornton Academy. Raportează un abuz