Dissertation Questionnaire on Mobile App Business Sustainability
Dear Participants:

Thanks for your interests in this sincere research conducted by University College London students on the sustainable value creation in mobile App industry.

The questionnaire will take approximately 2 minutes and it is in Google Doc so it is perfectly safe and compatible. Question formats containing single choice and scale rating and no confidential or sensitive information will be gathered, only your objective views on the research field.

Your experience and opinion is high appreciated. If you agree to proceed to the research questionnaire, please continue to the questions.
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What is your age? *
What is your gender? *
Where does the mobile business locate and taget? *
What is the Core Business of the company/App? *
In which period was this company/App founded? *
Among the following challenges, please choose one you deem most difficult during creating sustainable value for the firm *
Do you think the business model of the company/App in questions is sustainable in terms of profit?  On the scale of 1-5, please rate your answer. *
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
The product/service offered by the company/app has a clear position in the market, fulfills a certain need of the customer, and delivers a certain value. *
Please rate according to the importance of the question in your business practice
Not important at all
Very important
The company/app try to pinpoint the exact target customer group. *
Please rate according to the importance of the question in your business practice
Not important at all
Very Important
The company/app developed an efficient distribution channel. *
Please rate according to the importance of the question in your business practice
Not important at all
Very important
The company/app puts customer relationship on a priority, strives to broaden the customer pool and increase customer loyalty. *
Please rate according to the importance of the question in your business practice
Not important at all
Very important
The company/app effectively utilize the key resources for the business to function, such as patents, copyrights, employees, brands or funds. *
Please rate according to the importance of the question in your business practice
Not important at all
Very important
The company/app will regularly conduct key activities to generate profits, such as inventory management, design renewal, product innovation etc. *
Please rate according to the importance of the question in your business practice
Not important at all
Very important
The company/app will create partnerships to generate economies of scale, share resources or simply reduce risks. *
Please rate according to the importance of the question in your business practice
Not important at all
Very important
The company/app emphasis a clear and efficient cost structure and effective cost management. *
Please rate according to the importance of the question in your business practice
Not important at all
Very important
The company/app always have a clear channel to make profits and cover costs. *
Please rate according to the importance of the question in your business practice
Not important at all
Very important
Clear form
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