CDAHA Coaching Application
Application for Head Coaching positions at the Rep and House levels.  Rep Coaching applications will be due on March 30; placements will be announced on May 1.  House Coaching applications will be due on June 30; placements will be announced on September 1.
Correo *
Personal Information
Applicant Name *
Phone Number *
Which Head Coaching position are you applying for? *
Coaching Experience
All coaches are required to have a current CEP license and USA Hockey Membership.  If your CEP will expire in December 2018, you must make sure you take your next level course.  Coaching courses may or may not be offered in Coeur d'Alene so please check the USA Hockey website for a list of courses that you can attend.
CEP Expiration Date *
If there is no expiration date put 1/1/2030
Coaching Level *
Completed Coaching Modules *
Describe your coaching experience *
Letter of Intent
Both on and off the ice, we are committed to helping our members develop positive characteristics such as sportsmanship, dedication, honesty, commitment, and respect for others, a strong work ethic and sense of self-worth.
Explain why you would like to coach for CDAHA *
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