My Media questionnaire
Finding out about you and the media you consume and make
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What forms of media do you prefer to use? *
how often do you use them
Once a year
Once a month
Every week
Several times a week
Every day
Several times a day
watch TV
go to the cinema
play games on a console, portable device and/or online
read a magazine or newspaper
watch vloggers on Youtube
watch music videos online
listen to the radio
make short films/videos including vlogs and upload to social media
watch a movie on TV/DVD/download
Why did you choose Media Studies GCSE? *
there may be more than one reason so pick those which apply to you
How would you rate your creative skills? *
your levels for Art, Music, DT and Drama are generally a good indicator
Not very creative
Highly creative
Which is your preferred means of communicating? *
if you could only choose one...
How do you learn best? *
rate them with 8 being best and 1 being worst
A combination of the above
Collaborating with others
working individually
What was the last film you watched on DVD/TV/download or at the cinema? *
you can pick the most memorable out of the last few if you like
Have you ever posted an image or video (even if it wasn't yours) to social media? *
Have you ever made a video and uploaded it to youtube or vimeo or another video sharing site? *
Have you ever made a blog, website or similar outside of an ICT class? *
Do you regularly use any of the following social networking sites? *
What grade do you think you are cable of for Media Studies GCSE? *
try and be as honest as you can - level 6 for English and you might be aiming for B or above
What do you want to get from studying Media beyond just another GCSE grade? *
What is your full name? *
First name and surname
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