Coaching Application
Please complete the form below as it is sent directly to Marco for review, providing him a better understanding of your goals and what's holding you back from them. Once the completed information is received, Marco will be in touch within 24 hours to review your application.
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Email *
Name (First & Last) *
Phone number
Age, Height, Current Weight *
How did you hear about me? (If it was through a friend or another client, I'd love to thank them) *
What about your Instagram handle? ( If you become a client, I want to follow you)
On a scale from 1-10, how confident do you feel about committing to coaching?
I'm still on the fence
I'm 100% confident and ready
Have you ever tracked macros and/or calories before? 
What does your support system look like (family, spouse, etc.)? Do they know you're interested in investing in working with me?* *
What kinds of programs (fitness or otherwise) have you invested in to better yourself?*
If I could wave a magic wand to get you any desired outcome 6-12 months from now, what would it look and feel like? (Be specific) *
If you currently have a coach or have had one in the past, what was that experience like? What was the financial commitment and coaching structure like?
Can I count on you to follow through with the application process?
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Anything else I should know?
You’re all done!
I’ll reach out to you within 24 hours to let you know if I think we're a good fit for working together.
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