Penang Sharix - 《逆势反向》讲座会,8月26
1. Name *
SHARIX 股理悟道 - 【逆势反向】讲座会
***本人同意及允许主办单位及指定赞助商按照 2010年"个人资料保护法令"及法令中列明的条例,处理或保留或使用我的个人资料,供其他合法的商业用途时免除承担任何责任及义务。I hereby consent and discharge that Organiser and authorised sponsors may process or retained (as defined in the Act) my personal data in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 ("Act") and its regulations enacted thereunder. As long as necessary for any other legitimate business purpose from any existing and future liabilities, obligations and duties from processing the said personal data.
2.Email *
3. Hp Num *
4. Age
5. Occupation
6. 投资年龄
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