EBW training feedback
Thanks for taking a training course with Electric Book Works. Designing training for a new, fast-changing field is hard, so we really need your honest feedback if we're going to improve. You can give very brief answers, though the more you can tell us the the better. You're welcome to answer anonymously.
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Your name (optional, you can stay anonymous)
Your email address (optional, you can stay anonymous)
The course(s) you're commenting on
Given your expectations before the course, did you learn what you wanted to learn?
What was the best thing about the course?
What about the course most needs to change?
Do you have suggestions for how to fix that?
We know these courses are expensive. For you, was the expense:
What did you think of the venue?
Comment on anything that springs to mind: space, refreshments, facilities, parking, etc.
Assuming you had a positive experience, do you have any encouraging comments we could use publicly?
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這份表單是在 Electric Book Works 中建立。 檢舉濫用情形