MIT+ Ivy League Catholic Conference
Hello everyone! We are currently trying to figure out a count for how many people would be interested in attending this conference. Ivy League Catholic is a partnership between all the Catholic undergraduate student groups across the ivies that was formed during the summer of 2017. We are planning on having a conference on Friday, April 13th through Sunday, April 15th, 2018 that will provide great speakers, excellent networking and help excel your career, faith, and enrich your life.

Ivy League Catholic’s goals are to unite Catholics across the Ivy League schools to come together as a community and make a network that's ready to stand together. We want to equip students and alumni with everything they need to affirm their faith and have a successful life based on Catholic principles.

Conference Date: Friday, April 13th to Sunday, April 15th, 2018.

Friday, April 13th:
5:30pm bus will take students from their campus, will arrive at the hotel at night. There will be a networking session for those that arrive early that will go on till 12:30 am.

Saturday, April 14th:
8 am to 8:45 am optional early mass
9:00am to 10:10 am breakfast with networking and circular tables so people can meet new people
10:10am to 12pm speakers
12pm to 1:30pm a lunch networking event
1:30 pm to 3:30 pm speakers
3:30pm to 6pm networking time
6 pm to 9 pm dinner in ballroom with another speaker during it
9:30 pm to 12:30am there will be drinks at the cocktail bar to wrap up the day for those who are interested

Sunday, April 15th:
8 am to 8:45 am early mass option
9:00am to 10:10 am  breakfast with networking
10:10am to 12:45pm speakers
12:45pm to 1pm final remarks
1pm to 3pm lunch and networking event
4:30pm buses take everyone back to their campuses

Current speakers, we are in contact with and finalizing the speaking engagements:

Supreme Court Justice John Roberts, Is the 17th chief justice of the supreme court. Went to Harvard undergraduate and Harvard Law school. Is Catholic.

Tom Monaghan, Founder of Dominos Pizza and sold company for one billion dollars. Created Legatus, Ave Maria, and more organizations.

Dina Dwyer, Dwyer Group, participated in CBS’s Emmy-winning hit reality show “Undercover Boss” and the first-ever special episode “Undercover Boss: Epic Bosses.” A winner of the 2012 Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award.
Dina is a certified franchise executive with more than 30 years of industry experience, having grown up in Dwyer Group. That business now includes 11 franchise brands and more than 2,700 locations around the world and account for more than $1 billion in system-wide sales yearly.

Father Spitzer, Jesuit priest, philosopher, educator, author, speaker, and retired President of Gonzaga University in Spokane, Washington. Spitzer is founder and currently active as President of the Magis Center of Reason and Faith, a non-profit organization dedicated to developing educational materials on the complementarity of science, philosophy, and faith. He is also President of the Spitzer Center of Ethical Leadership, dedicated to helping Catholic and for-profit organizations develop leadership, constructive cultures, and virtue ethics.

Frank J. Hanna III is the CEO of Hanna Capital, merchant banker and philanthropist. Hanna has been described as "one of the leading Catholics in the USA.

Claire Huang, is the former Chief Marketing Officer of JPMorgan Chase. She is additional a member of various board of Directors including Scottrade, Foster Farms, Mirador Financial and more.

Jennifer Baugh, President of Young Catholic Professionals an organization which mission is to encourage young adult professionals to Work in Witness for Christ.

Aurora Griffin, Wrote the book "How I stayed Catholic at Harvard."

Tim Staples, Director of Apologetics and Evangelization at Catholic Answers, Has his own show and very a frequent proponent of Catholicism.

This is just our current list, but we have additional high profile speakers that we are in the process of bringing.  We look forward to hearing your thoughts below.
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What is your name?
What school do you go to? What year are you? Age? What major? What are you thinking career-wise?
Would you be interested in attending this conference?
Which of these dates work with you? Select both if you can attend either option.
Would you be willing to pay $180 to attend conference if we are providing buses to and from conference as well as hotels
What would you like to get most out of this conference?
Do you have any suggestions on topics to have speaker talk about or idea on people that you think would be good to bring to talk at the conference?
Any final thoughts? Suggestions?
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