The Yoga Collective
Are you a practicing yoga teacher on the South Shore? 

Whether you have 3 months of experience or 5 years, we'd love to get to know you better! Complete this form to get your profile completed on The Collective. We profile one teacher a week - and would love for it to be you!

Questions? Just reach out to us (
Iniciar sesión en Google para guardar lo que llevas hecho. Más información
Correo *
How long have you been teaching?
What studios do you teach at? (We will link to them on your profile)
Certifications + Specialties
Let's talk about your teaching style....
Do you have a favorite teacher? What makes them amazing to you?
Tell us about what brought you to yoga (e.g. stress, injury, etc). We love hearing origin stories!
What was your most memorable yoga experience?
How would you describe your teaching flow?
Music Preferences? What is always on your playlist? Favorite artist?
This will provide just a little extra content on the page. I'll pick the ones that fit best on the page with regards to content / alignment.

Some ideas:
- favorite coffee shop / restaurant (Perch143)
- brand of legging / top (Lululemon)
- season (e.g. can't live without Summer!)
- tv show (Life in Pieces)
- vacation spot (Captiva Island Florida!)
- website (can't live without Amazon!)
- car (we are a huge Jeep family)
Favorite Thing #1 (and why) *
Favorite Thing #2  (and why) *
Favorite Thing #3  (and why) *
Favorite Thing #4  (and why) *
Favorite Thing #5 (and why)
How do people connect with you?
If you don't want people to connect with you via these networks, just leave it out. Seriously, no worries. We all deserve some privacy and safe space.
Facebook Page
The Collective - Preferences
We want to respect your space. So let us know how you want to engage with us.

By default, we are going to tag you unless you let us know you'd rather be removed.
Do you want your email kept private? *
Social Media Tagging *
Yes, tag me.
No, please do not tag me.
Images & Media
In general, we need at least a couple images to get started. We can go through your provided social channels for images but it's always great to get your input.

You can email any supporting images to
Make sure to click submit!
Se enviará una copia de tus respuestas por correo electrónico a la dirección que has proporcionado.
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