Magik G.L.O.W
Magik G.L.O.W.(Girls Learning and Owning Their Worth) is a service initiative sponsored by the Carolina Covenant Gives Back Program and APPLES Service Learning. Through a partnership with McDougle Middle school, Covenant and Achieve Scholars are able to participate in mentorship with young Black Girls to help them cultivate their full potentials. As a volunteer, you will assist the girls with their homework, plan and participate in group activities such as dancing, singing, stepping, interactive learning games, and workshops related to self confidence, health, hair care, body image, and loving the skin you're in. Please answer all questions that apply; while the F bus does route to McDougle Middle School we prefer to travel by car for faster transportation. It will not be a determining factor, but if you are willing and able to drive you will reimbursed for your service. Thank you for your interest and we look forward to reading more about you!

Due January 15th 2018 11:59:59 PM
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Fall 2018 Class
Name *
Are you a Covenant or Achieve Carolina Scholar? *
Email *
We meet with the Middle School girls every Wednesday from 3:00-5:00 PM, will you be available during this time? *
If you answered "Maybe" to the previous questions, please explain your scheduling conflicts.
Why do you feel a program like this is important? *
Have you worked with kids in the past? If so, tell us about that experience and how you interacted with them. *
Briefly propose a program you would put on for Middle School aged Black Girls. *
Please email your resume to  *
Do you use a car as your means of transportation during the 2017-2018 School year? *
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