Rental Application
615 E Walnut Glen Rental Application (2017)

The information you provide on this application will remain confidential and will be used to determine your credibility as a renter and any criminal history. Failure to complete this application in full or providing false information will result in denial of this application. If you are considered to gain tenancy, you may be asked to submit your Social Security Numbers in order to perform a background and/or credit check.  If you are successful in gaining tenancy, and it is discovered that you provided false information on this application, you will be immediately evicted.
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Correo *
Name (last, first) *
Phone # *
Preferred Method of Contact *
Family Members to live at 615 E Walnut Glen:
Please include name, age and relationship
Your Story
Please tell me a little about yourself, briefly describe your situation, why you are moving, what date you are looking to move and anything else that I should know about you to meet your needs as your landlord
How long do you plan on renting at 615 E Walnut Glen *
2 Year History Minimum on Residence & Employment  Information
Please include:

Address (w/ City State Zip)
Move-in Date
Move-out Date
Landlord Name
Landlord Contact Info - Phone and if available, Email
Home/Rental Payment
Current/Prior Residences Info *
Please include:

Family Member Name
Employer Name
Your Position
Full or Part Time
Income from Position (Hourly wage or Salary)
Start Date
End Date
Manager Name
Manager Contact Info - Phone and if available, Email

Employment Info *
***************** Other Questions *****************                                
1. Do you currently smoke or have you smoked in the past five years? *
2. Do you drink alcoholic beverages of an kind? *
3. Do you currently use any drugs of any kind? *
If yes from #3, please explain
4. Do your friends smoke or drink alcohol? *
5. Have you ever been convicted of a misdemeanor, felony, or been incarcerate (put in jail) for any reason? *
If yes from #5, please explain
6. Do you have any pets? *
If yes from #6, please explain
Any additional references that are not listed above in landlord  / work section.
Please include: name, phone and/or email, relationship
Any other questions or concerns please use contact information below:
Rob Maddox
932 S Crescent Way
Mapleton, UT 84664
(801) 404 - 3837
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