JAVA with Selenium | DevOps Tools  | Weekend Batch Registration | VimanNagar | Time: SAT 11 AM Online & Classroom Trainings now Available
Selenium Training With Java Basics & Interview Guide By Industry Experts
Call Or WhatsApp Manoj Sir  +91 7756923100  | No. 1 Selenium Trainings in PUNE
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Weekend Batch Saturday & Sunday For Working Professionals*Learn Automation Testing from Industry Experts **Get hands on experience on real time data**Placement assistance**Get Manual testing Brush**Get Java For Testers Training In weekDays**Industry Experts with 8+ IT Experience**Stand out with latest technologies and trends*
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Selenium Training With Java Basics *
Java Basics + Selenium + Advaced Frameworks + Interview Guide & Placement Assistance                                     *Core Java with 100% Practicals For Selenium * Selenium webdriver - basic and advance * Live project practical* TestNG* Selenium Framework Design and Development * Keyword Driven Framework * Data Driven Framework * Hybrid Framework * Automation Test Cases Writing * Automation efforts Estimation * Customize Report - Extent Report* Why GitHub  * Jenkins *  Maven * Loggers * Advance Selenium Framework Design and Development * Page object model *Interview Guide
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