108學年度海洋中心儀器教育訓練 (一)
1. 請欲參加同學於03月04日(星期一)前填寫報名表,為維持教學品質,未報名同學將無法參加講習,若人數過多會再行篩選通知。
Students who like to participate should submit the registration form before Monday, March 4th.
Students not registered will not be eligible to participate in the training. Moreover, there will be a selection of trainees if there are too many applicants.

2. 各項實驗技術講習講義將陸續彙整公告於中心網頁
The lectures on various experimental techniques will be announced in the CEO website http://www.ceo.ntou.edu.tw/files/11-1048-6059.php?Lang=zh-tw Please printout the lecture notes in advance since the center will not provide handouts.

3. 訓練課程期間因學生人數眾多,會影響其他機器使用空間,敬請見諒。
Due to the large number of students in the training course and limited space of the laboratory, the working space of other equipment will be affected during the training. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

4. 之後將有其他梯次儀器教育訓練,中心將再發信通知。為維持機器良好運轉,請使用者在經過教育訓練之後,方可使用儀器。開過課的儀器3個月內不會再進行教學 (有來上課有簽到者可以詢問相關問題,未上課者不會另外進行教學,若有公私因素無法到課者,在課程開始前請先報備),請需要使用的同學務必參加訓練課程。
It is compulsory for students to attend the training course before they are allowed to use the facilities of the center. The center will hold facility training regularly with advance notices by email. However, training class for any particularly equipment will be in interval of more than three months. In order to maintain the equipment in good order, users can only operate a particular equipment after receiving a training. The center will only response to students on questions related to equipment operation only if the students have enrolled in training class of that particular equipment. If for personal reasons the student needs to be absence from training class, it is necessary to report to the center in advance.
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