兼職名額開放申請 (16小時/星期) New Monthly Part time Quota for application(16 Hours/ Week)
只限電單車 / Motorbike only

If you can apply roster and go online in the same stand by location for 16 hours each week, please join the Monthly Part Time plan

登录 Google 即可保存进度。了解详情

You get to fill in roster after the full time partners. Means you can apply for Weekday's peak hour and Full Day in Weekend.

細節: Details:
已包月全職人士, 不用再次報。
我們會於最後一周(3月27日)以電話確認閣下是否繼續參加下月兼職計劃, 下月兼職名額將先預留給本月兼職計劃參加者。給予大家更高穩定性。

You still need to fill in your roster every week.
The incentive is same as the roster incentive.
If you are already a Monthly full time partner, you DONT need to apply again.
We will call in in week March 27 to confirm your intention if you want to apply for next month part time scheme. Each months part time scheme will first reserve to last month candidates. So you dont need to worry of your scheme for next month.
條件: Criteria:
兼職 :每星期報更16小時以上, 並嚴謹遵守

如因各種原因不能上線,需提前一周於專屬支援渠道通知我們 (渠道由UberEATS 於公佈結果時一併提供) 否則當違規處理,我們將收回包月兼職名額及轉讓給其他已留名師兄。每個月最多可以請一次假  (最多7天)。


Part Time: Apply 16 hours or above each week in the weekly roster and strictly follow it.
Online in the same stand by location whole month

If you have any one off reason that prevent you from applying the 16 hours roster, please inform us one week in advance in the dedicated support channel we provide. Or it will consider as a violation. You can apply for at most 1 time (7 days max at a time) in each month.

If you fail to meet the online requirement for 1 time in a month for or fail to meet service standard for 2 times in a month for, your monthly part time plan will be canceled.

If there is any sudden issues (Bike broken down / Sick) Please provide the related proof (motorbike repairment receipt / doctor proof etc.) Or it will consider as a violation for failing to meet the online requirement and your monthly part time plan will be canceled.

90% 上線率要求 90% Online rate requirement
兼職計劃確保了你有優先權選擇更表,如此特權需要相應的責任,閣下需嚴格遵守上線率要求,但我們亦預留了10%走棧位給你(如突然肚痛/ 陪家人看醫生),否則當一次未能達上線要求,會被即時收回包月兼職名額。

The part time plan ensure you have a privilege to choose your roster first, with such privilege, you will have same degree of obligation to strictly follow your roster. However, we still left 10% buffer for you for any sudden issues (stomach ache). Or it will be consider as failing to meet the online requirement for one time, and your monthly plan will be immediately cancelled.
入圍方法: Selection Criteria:
會以(接單/總上線時數)比例+上線率 以排行。簡單黎講,遵守更表,接多D單,盡快完成每單者優先。
According to average orders you complete in an hour, you consistency of following the roster and your previous service standard.

UberEATS 登記電郵 Registered Email *
UberEATS 登記電話  Registered Phone *
你期望嘅站頭位置是  What is your ideal stand by location *
每站頭名額不同, 包月後, 你只會在你所選擇的站頭接到單和得到包鍾。We will select applicants according to stand by location so you can choose all timeslots in your standby location. You will only get order and hourly guarantee in the stand by location you chose.
我想參加 I Wish To Join *
你多數會報什麼更?Which kind of roster you will be applying for? *
可選多項 Can choose multiple slots
請問你是否同意 Do you agree? *
若有空位,我們會以電話通知你 We will call you if there are new vacancy for the location you chose
切勿通过 Google 表单提交密码。
此表单是在 Uber 内部创建的。 举报滥用行为