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Oil Spill Vigil in Cal Anderson Park

Cal Anderson Park continues to be an important place in the city for groups to gather in to bring attention and rally people to their cause. Tuesday night, area groups are organizing an Oil Spill Vigil in the park to bring attention to the ecological disaster unfolding in the Gulf of Mexico. Info from


Originally uploaded by Backbone Campaign


Oil Spill Vigil
Cal Anderson Park, 1635 11th Ave (Map)
Seattle, WA 98122
Tuesday, June 8th, 7:00 PM
Let’s keep the momentum going! Please sign up for this gathering right away!     

Message from your host, Tim A.: Emergency Oil Spill Vigil!

Demand an end to our dependence on oil, call for stepped-up efforts to end the spill, and stand in solidarity with all those affected in the Gulf.

The Backbone Campaign is going to participate, so it’s getting exciting!

We’ll gather together, read stories from Gu…(more)lf residents affected by the spill, and observe a moment of silence.

We can make sure lawmakers understand that the American people demand bold action to prevent disasters like this from happening again.

The people in the Gulf of Mexico are facing the destruction of an entire way of life. Fishermen say they’ve lost 75% or more of their business, and it’s getting worse. Federal officials have closed over one-third of the Gulf of Mexico to fishing. And the oil is poised to reach the beaches of Florida soon.

We need to turn this moment of crisis into a rallying cry to finally get America off oil.

We may not use amplification at the park because of a conflicting event, but, if you have a PA system please contact Tim Anderson, as we will march to Broadway and Pine to legally continue the vigil.

Rhythm instruments

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Democrats hate the environment
Democrats hate the environment
13 years ago

Remember this, Democrats: you’re fucking president Barack “I’m a whore for Big Oil” doesn’t want to stop offshore drilling. He just wants to tweak it and let Big Oil watch over itself. If you’re voting for the Democrats, you’re destroying my planet. Stop it or there will be consequences.

13 years ago

I thought this was about an oil spill in Cal Anderson Park.

The Economist
The Economist
13 years ago

So we should punish the small business owners who run local gas stations?

There is a high demand for oil and BP will be able to sell it no matter what. The can even sell it to a competitor (like Shell or Exxon) so you’d still be purchasing the product you’re boycotting.

By boycotting BP and ARCO stations, you are only hurting the local businesses who try to make a living from selling a large corporation’s gasoline.

Note: this post in only in regards to the photo of the backbone campaign protesters, NOT to the Oil Spill Vigil, which focuses on the real issue of our demand on oil.

13 years ago

I don’t get your logic.

If I use similar logic, any fast food restaurant that is franchised should not be held accountable for serving unhealthy food.

And no business should be held accountable for any product they sell that they don’t produce, even though they are a part of the chain that brings those products to market.

13 years ago

You sir, are a fucking moron.

13 years ago

I wonder how many people will drive to this event?

It’s ponderous man, really ponderous…

13 years ago

Obama did promise there wouldn’t be politics as usual. The problem is that he has set a higher standard for himself and it is one that he hasn’t been able to live up to. So, while this guy is a moron, Obama is no better than any other polItician. It is politics as usual in Washington.

13 years ago

Obama is inheriting 8 years of fuckheaded-ness. I can’t be the only person that thinks it’s a bit unreasonable to expect him to fix things in a year or two. We’ll be lucky to be improved by the end of his first term. The man is the president, not Harry Potter.

This whole oil spill thing is a colossal fuck up and will have lasting effects we can’t even imagine, but again, what is the President going to do?

Besides you have to respect a president who tells reporters he’s learning “whose ass to kick.”

13 years ago

What president hasn’t inherited something bad from a previous president? You are just making an excuse for him. He said he would be different and he is not. That has nothing to do with what he inherited.

At least Obama stopped using that excuse awhile ago so maybe you can stop using it as well.

13 years ago


Congratulations: you get it.

Protests shall be held at corporate headquarters where the Evil Big Rich Fat Cats work, not at the small franchisees where Hard-Working American Small Businessmen work.

To protest oil leaks at the neighborhood Arco is like complaining about Starbucks by walking up to your neighborhood barista and railing at them until the cops are called. Which I’ve never seen happen — YET.

13 years ago


Congratulations, you really don’t get it.

Protesting at a corporate headquarters does not do anything especially if you turn around and buy gas from them the next day.

You have to impact their revenue stream and you can do that by boycotting the places that sell their gas.

Your analogy of protesting to a barista makes no sense but I think you knew that.

You may be the one that is confused.

13 years ago


respect what? More talk and no action?

13 years ago

some of you need to get a clue how the oil stream works – protesting some mom n pop BP/arco franchise is not the way to do it.

thanks for having one econ

13 years ago


Protesting at a gas station does nothing to stop people from buying gas. When my tank is on E, I go to a gas station. Depriving a gas station owner of his rent money does nothing to stop the flood of oil into the Gulf of Mexico.

Participating in these rituals may boost your ego, but it does nothing to affect BP.

13 years ago

And neither protesting in front of a tall building below a bunch of fat cats with your stupid sign.

13 years ago


So what you are saying is that we should never reduce are dependency on gas and continue to drive cars because that would only hurt local businesses.

13 years ago

Hi All,

Gotta agree with the Morons on this one, though I think those slurring Obama have been very ugly. To a certain extent a crap economy and policies that are in place, he inherited and can’t be expected to magically fix… But I feel he hasn’t shown any leadership since his campaign itself. He needs to wake up – he’ll never make everyone happy; he needs to stick to his guns if he has any. Every moment Washington DC wastes considering lobbyists, gallons of oil are gushing into the sea. Hello anyone home??

el again
el again
13 years ago

Well, here’s another thread in that chain of logic… yes those business owners are responsible for selling the product and we are responsible for buying the product. We are responsible for this oil spill. There’d be no offshore drilling if there weren’t consumer demand for the product. BP would not exist. This is about all of us and our entire way of life being unsustainable and spiritually bankrupt. We value our own convenience and now, in the Gulf Coast, we are seeing at what expense. We must push for alternative energy. Giving up one’s personal use of a vehicle is a great step but the fact is, our entire culture runs on oil. Unless you plan to stop eating, your food is shipped from somewhere. So, it’s about more than BP, the gas station owners, or any one entity.