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StarCraft18 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Mondragon wins EPS VIII


Cristoph "Mondragon" Semke has just won the Electronic Sports League VIII Pro Series Finals in Cologne, Germany. Once again, the Templars of Twilight's leader has shown his extraordinary skill, and won 2000€.

The finals in Cologne have started only three weeks after the end of the regular season, in which Germany ToT)Mondragon( ended first, only defeated by Germany Schnibl0r, who ended #4. Germany AckeBonnie, formerly known as AiR[pG], surprisingly ended #2 of this season, while Germany bLank.Breakdown ended #3.

Regular season rankings

#1 Cristoph "Mondragon" Semke
#2 Michael "AiR" Herter
#3 Christian "Breakdown" Schafer
#4 Simon "Schnibl0r" Münz

9fbce138d6cf7acf327d40ecc5fdf549a2668159d835e44b2293562151Like on the 12th of February, when Germany ToT)Mondragon( (picture) and Germany eSa.Schnibl0r have faced each other during the EPS VII Finals, Mondragon and Schnibl0r have eliminated all of their opponents and reached the Grand Final. Schnibl0r, being the underdog, wanted a revenge and gain this time 2000€ instead of 1000€. But unfortunately for him, Schnibl0r lost again to ToT)Mondragon( and failed to get the ESL Pro Series Champion title.

Final results

#1 Germany ToT)Mondragon( - 2000€
#2 Germany Schnibl0r - 1000€
#3 Germany bLank.Breakdown - 500€
#4 Germany AiR - 275€

Thanks to this win, ToT)Mondragon( has reached the #2 position of the GosuGamers Database. AiR remains in the top30 due to his very good results in the regular season, while Schnibl0r is now #33.

There are no replays available at the moment, but you can enjoy the VODs of the show, by clicking on the following links !
» Part 1 » Part 2

Links - Source - ESL page

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