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NiceCallouts-ID Body, Sudden Death 1.9

   (12 reviews)

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Current Callouts:

-Sudden Death: A civilian has reported that a dead body is lying in the ditch. Go to the scene and cleanup. (This is best if you have Police Radio or some other coroner script.)

-Illegal Parking: There are reports of a vehicle parked illegally near your patrol route. Write a citation and/or have it towed. (It recommended to use Police Radio for towing until I have my own built in functionality.)

-Beggar: (Planned) There are reports of a beggar harassing people on the streets. Check it out.


-Dead ID. Press H near a dead body to check their ID. There is a chance you will not find any.

-End callout. To end a call, press X.

Planned Features:

-Some rural oriented callouts, for sheriffs and park rangers.

-Integration with LSPDFR+ as well as some other awesome plugins.


Simply drag Plugins folder into GTA V directory

If you have issues, please send me your Rage log in the comments. Do not ask for help in review section!

What's New in Version 1.9


Fixed more issues with Illegal Parking where it would default to 0, 0, 0 (Vinewood Hills) if no location was found. Note that this callout only works in LS and Paleto. Will add more locations later.


Added setting to disable Dead ID animation, and added modifier keys in config.


Thanks @Kilyin for suggesting some features I totally forgot to add.

-The developers of LSPDFR
-The other developers in this community, PNWParksFan, alexguirre, Albo, Khorio, LukeD etc

User Feedback

Recommended Comments

Nice!! Im very excited to see someone else working on a script. Maybe dead body in car or residence can be done? Cant wait to see what you got in mind for the future :tongue:

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13 hours ago, jg45042 said:

Nice!! Im very excited to see someone else working on a script. Maybe dead body in car or residence can be done? Cant wait to see what you got in mind for the future :tongue:

Good idea :) Also, I do have plans for the GTA callout, to make it better, I just got lazy and left it in.

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4 hours ago, Starmix said:

Didn't you have something like this before?
I definitely remember you from somewhere.

I had a callout plugin, which is no longer updated for many reasons. After I released the first of it, I had some IRL issues to deal with,and decided to start new.

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On 2016-06-25 at 7:06 AM, Sawdbuster said:

I was thinking for the dead body callout, be able to drag it like AI Cops do for their down brethen. 

I will definitely see about that.

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If possible, add a street fight which you can stumble on patrol. Or drunk pedestrians that just pesters passersby.

(Если есть возможность, то добавьте уличную драку на которую можно наткнуться при патрулировании. Или пьяного пешехода который просто пристаёт к прохожим.)

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Hey, there was a 1.2 in the update error when calling "citizen spotted dead body". The marker on the map is not displayed correctly (no transparency, indicating the wrong place and the situation is not reduced). Video and photo

[Привет, в обновлении 1.2 появилась ошибка при вызове "citizen spotted dead body". Маркер на карте отображается не правильно ( нет прозрачности, указывает неправильное место положение и не уменьшается). Видео youtube.com и фото приложил]

GTA5 2016-07-05 19-45-39-599.jpg

Edited by Vito67Rus
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Might I ask why a large majority of people are downvoting Reviews of this mod? Prepare to downvote another soon. I'm not normally "that guy", but nobody made you download this mod. It's called "Nice Callouts". What'd you expect? Personally, I'm happy to finally have some more callouts that involve what Officers are actually dealing with, a majority of their time. Every call isn't a bank robbery or pursuit. Just some food for thought folks, if you knew you didn't like these types of callouts, why hate on the man?

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3 hours ago, Arariel said:

@nicedude80  Will this still work with 0.41 of RPH?

I'm not sure, actually. It is built to use 0.42, but I didn't actually change any major features, so you can give it a try.

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Would it be possible to get an ini file to specify the key to end the callouts, so it does not need to be tied to the X key, please?  :smile:

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17 hours ago, HotFuzz said:

Would it be possible to get an ini file to specify the key to end the callouts, so it does not need to be tied to the X key, please?  :smile:

That is planned. Hopefully in the next update :)

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Please take the opportunity to change the "E" button on what some other. Now, with orders to stop during detention or a shootout (also the default SPPD: FR key "E") if in the vicinity there is a body, the character throws everything and frantically begins to scour. So while in the play mode is not possible.

{Пожалуйста сделайте возможность менять кнопку "Е" на какую нибудь другую. Сейчас при приказе остановиться во время задержания или перестрелке (также по умолчанию в LSPD:FR клавиша "Е") если по близости есть тело, то персонаж бросает все свои дела и судорожно начинает его обыскивать. Так что пока в мод играть невозможно.}


Edited by Vito67Rus
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4 hours ago, Vito67Rus said:

Please take the opportunity to change the "E" button on what some other. Now, with orders to stop during detention or a shootout (also the default SPPD: FR key "E") if in the vicinity there is a body, the character throws everything and frantically begins to scour. So while in the play mode is not possible.

{Пожалуйста сделайте возможность менять кнопку "Е" на какую нибудь другую. Сейчас при приказе остановиться во время задержания или перестрелке (также по умолчанию в LSPD:FR клавиша "Е") если по близости есть тело, то персонаж бросает все свои дела и судорожно начинает его обыскивать. Так что пока в мод играть невозможно.}


Yes, I am just releasing an update which allows you to change all keys to anything you want.

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I love this but I have a bug. When I get to the prisoner transport callout, it does nothing. He just stands there and I have to tell him to freeze and arrest him before I can move him into my car. Is this a known bug? It's the only negative thing I have to say about your plugin. 


The dead bodies are sometimes really hard to find. Can you add an option to call for a more detailed location? For example, you'd click n for the menu and select "need update, more information on the case" and this would either turn the search area into a specific marker or a smaller search area. Will you be making the identifying dead bodies a separate plugin in future? because I think that would go down well. 

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On 2016-08-12 at 4:54 AM, flyinggoatman said:

I love this but I have a bug. When I get to the prisoner transport callout, it does nothing. He just stands there and I have to tell him to freeze and arrest him before I can move him into my car. Is this a known bug? It's the only negative thing I have to say about your plugin. 


The dead bodies are sometimes really hard to find. Can you add an option to call for a more detailed location? For example, you'd click n for the menu and select "need update, more information on the case" and this would either turn the search area into a specific marker or a smaller search area. Will you be making the identifying dead bodies a separate plugin in future? because I think that would go down well. 

I'm in the process of reworking that entire callout, i might have to remove it completely for time being.

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2 hours ago, nicedude80 said:

I'm in the process of reworking that entire callout, i might have to remove it completely for time being.

I look forward to seeing it much improved and love what you're doing. Maybe do missing persons callout too. When sometimes the person you're looking for is dead and you have to tell their families.

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On 6/24/2016 at 1:25 PM, nicedude80 said:

Good idea :) Also, I do have plans for the GTA callout, to make it better, I just got lazy and left it in.

hey i saw ya removed that transport callout. i was thinking that even if we showed up and he was already arrested, we can use Albo's GRAB feature to take the ped and push G to put him in the cruiser. so we don't necessarily have to re-arrest the ped. i'm gonna try that out before i install this new version because i do like the idea of transporting. i'll let ya know if it works :P

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Could you either remove the animation from the dead ped ID check completely, or make it a toggle? Some modifier keys for stuff would be great as well.

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41 minutes ago, Kilyin said:

Could you either remove the animation from the dead ped ID check completely, or make it a toggle? Some modifier keys for stuff would be great as well.

I will add a config option to turn it off. I know it is kinda a long animation, but it was the best i found. I will add modifiers as well. Thanks for the feedback!!

Edited by nicedude80
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18 minutes ago, nicedude80 said:

I will add a config option to turn it off. I know it is kinda a long animation, but it was the best i found. I will add modifiers as well. Thanks for the feedback!!


Thanks, part of the problem is with no modifier key if I accidentally hit that check ID key, I get stuck in that animation, which can be slightly annoying/deadly if you're chasing someone or being shot at. Adding both the modifier and toggle would be ideal, imo.

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