Aarush Madan
2 min readNov 3, 2015


How to Convert To Drupal From PSD

As we talk about effective management of contents, websites, and also have more efficient search engine ranking then there is no doubt that we will be making use of PSD and also Drupal. PSD stands for Photo Shop Document and it plays a big role in designing websites and contents. However, there are many who feel that Drupal is a better option because of some obvious benefits and advantages. Hence it would not be a bad idea to have a closer look at the various advantages and benefits of Drupal when compared to PSD. Many developers have shifted to Drupal and hence there certainly must be something very special about Drupal which makes it so very much in demand and so much sought after. Drupal as most of us would be aware is an open source and free software that can be used for creating website designs.

Suitable Even For Non Technical Persons

The biggest advantage with Drupal over PSD is that it is very user friendly and even beginners who do not have technical knowledge can very easily make use of it to create website designs. Apart from this main and obvious advantage, if you are keen on moving your website higher in search engine rankings, here too Drupal has been found to be more effective than PSD. It is supposed to very SEO friendly and therefore Drupal from PSD conversion could be a good decision. One more big reason why many are moving towards Drupal is that it is compatible with almost all major browsers that are available today. Whether it is Safari, Chrome, Firefox, IE and more, it works perfectly well with all of them. Those who are looking for clean coding that are virtually error free have many reasons to go in for Drupal. When one opts for Drupal conversion, semantic coding is used and this prevents errors from creeping in.

Apart from the above there are a number of other advantages too that are worth mention when it comes to PSD to Drupal conversions. It has perhaps the widest range of extensions that one could think of. All these extensions are very user friendly. These extensions perform specific jobs and functions and they are available online. They are compatible with Drupal when such conversions take place. Hence, taking the above factors into account it would be better to move to Drupal from PSD.

There are many online articles which could throw lot of useful information about the various benefits of such conversion to Drupal from PSD.



Aarush Madan

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