The Guide to Lifestyle Photography Essentials

1.pngWhen you enter a high school you expect you’ll see exhausted teens attempting to balance their social lives with their teacher’s desire for them to learn. It’s not exactly easy to navigate the intricacies of the high school life, but once Senior year has finally come these youths will be forced to face the fact that they’re almost adults, and there’s a lot to be done before the year is over.

With the help of this list, high school Seniors should be able to set their priorities based on their needs and situations, and get themselves set up for success. While there aren’t any guarantees, you’ll have an easier time getting your desired results if you take the time to plan and prepare. Without this extra preparation you may find yourself falling prey to the dangers that come with the inevitable senioritis (a strange occurrence where Seniors, even highly active and involved ones, suddenly lose all motivation and energy and begin to slack off more then normal).

Make Sure You Have the Necessary Credits

But wait, doesn’t the school do everything for you? No. Don’t expect your school to know every little detail of every student’s school life. There are a lot of students in schools, and sometimes things can get missed. Before the year begins, or you pick out your classes, you’ll want to double check what your graduation requirements are, and if you’re going to meet them. In fact, the sooner you check this, the better chance you’ll have of navigating around classes you don’t need and want, and getting yourself into classes that better meet your needs and desires.

If you catch this early enough then not only can you make any problem area up outside of school, but you may have wiggle room in your district’s credit system to make it up during school hours.

Again, the sooner you look at this information the better, but if you’re going into your Senior year then you should take a look at your top five college options and start tailoring any free class periods around what your colleges of choice require from their aspiring students. Extra credits in science, math, or language are pretty normal requirements for the top colleges. You work hard, and you deserve to get into that dream college, so don’t take chances.

Get Your Projects Done Early

Right, enough of putting stuff off until the last minute, you’re almost an adult, you can need to get ahead of your work! Of course it’s going to be hard, I mean even straight laced, straight A students have succumb to things like senioritis. When you think about it though, knowing that you’re almost done with school, you should be even more eager to get all of your work out of your hair. There are many more things that should be on your mind, and your schoolwork should not be one of them.

For those that are struggling, a great idea would be to make a separate space or room that you dedicate solely to doing your work, and then make yourself go there first thing every day to get your work done. You’ll be more productive and satisfied with your life if you can keep your play and your work separated.

You could also try a rewards system for yourself. You could do small rewards for when you complete your work every day, but you might also want to treat yourself on a weekly or monthly basis for keeping a consistent schedule. Don’t go crazy with this reward system, and do go easy on yourself with the rewards. If you choose to not finish your work, or do your full set aside time, then don’t reward yourself, at all. If you can’t stay ahead of your coursework then you’ll inevitably feel like you’re drowning in it, especially when the other pressures of graduation being to approach.

Get a Head Start on College Applications

Start early, start early, start early. Your college will not wait for you. It doesn’t matter that you were only a day late, you application is going in the trash. You’ve got to think ahead and be sure that your working is getting done well ahead of the deadline.

Yes, there are certain things you can’t provide to a college until after graduation, like your school record and GPA. Still, there are things you can, and should have together as soon as possible. You’ll also need to be aware of application fees that some colleges charge.

Of course, another thing you’ll want to be aware of is the FAFSA, and when you can start applying to it. The FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) is how students will go about getting scholarships and grants. The FAFSA will open for submission October 1st of every year for the next school year’s financial aid, so students must plan ahead. Never fear applying too early though, as you can always go back in and make changes should something happen.

Read more about lifestyle photography Seattle WA.

Why You Should save Your Money

No other school year is anywhere near as expensive as your Senior year. Alongside all the usual expenses, students should be aware that they are looking at several hundred extra dollars in what are considered basic or common senior year costs. This may include your graduation cap and gown, your prom ticket, the costs of professional senior photos, and/or a ticket to a graduation party. The costs and available activities will vary from school to school. No matter the school though, you’re going to pay a good chunk of cash for your Senior year.

How can you combat this problem? Of course, a part time job would do the trick, if you have the time to work at one. Sure, you’re going to lose out on some social events, but between the money, and the work experience you can put on applications and resumes, it’ll be well worth it.

What if you can’t get a job? There’s always the people around you, they might have work you can do. You will have to do work, get over it, even needy students tend to have to put up part of the cost. Your family, neighbors, and adult friends may have extra work they need help with, and they’ll be willing to pay you for it.

You should put just about all of the money you get into somewhere you’d struggle to get it back out of. If you can, get a bank account and put almost all of your money into savings. Of course, it’s good to take a small portion to treat yourself on occasion, but remember what this money is for.

Even after graduation you’ll have to look at the cost of college, moving, buying furniture, dishes, bedding, toiletries, and many other things. Adulthood is going to require any extra money you have after graduation.

How to get a Perfect Senior Picture

While some people may not care, there are a lot of seniors who treasure their Senior photos. Some families will pay for a page in a yearbook where the Senior photo, and others of the same person, are put together with an endearing note, one that they can look at in 10 years to help them truly appreciate who they’ve become, and where they’ve come from.

When preparing for your Senior photo you should do a bit of research, both on photographers and on possible photoshoot locations. Some photographers may need you to come into their offices, but some may be able to travel to a desired location. Also, cheap and high quality aren’t really in the same realm here, as your photographer isn’t just taking a picture and handing it to you, they’re also cleaning and retouching your photo, trying to make you look as good as possible without destroying the natural beauty.

Of course, these photos aren’t a life or death matter. You’re going to be okay, even if something goes wrong. If you consider it something important though then you’ll just have to put in a little more research and planning to get your picture perfect. First, is it indoor or outdoor? Your options for lighting, backgrounds, and color are all depending on this factor. If outdoors, you’ll also want to consider the weather. Check the weather forecast before scheduling an appointment with a photographer, and keep checking that the forecast doesn’t change. If the weather decides to pull a 180 then you’ll need to contact your photographer right away. It’s probably best you have a backup plan, just in case something happens with the weather or location, and that you discuss it with the photographer so they know what to expect.

Don’t forget that you aren’t the only client that photographer is working with. Be polite, and don’t wait until the last minute. Other students will be waiting till the last second to take their photos, so don’t be stuck in that crowd. As well, don’t expect an instant return. The photographer wants your pictures to be perfect, so they’ve got to do a bit of work on them. Check their website for information regarding how long they usually need to finish a photo, and feel free to ask them questions ahead of time. You can always just thank them for their time and walk away if you decide that they’re not the right photographer for you. If a photographer is acting suspiciously then first look up what is and isn’t a strange or abnormal behavior for the profession. There are some different laws and business practices for photographers from other businesses, so be informed.

Planning for Prom

Prom is probably one of the most beloved times during the Senior’s school year. Students will want to look their very best, just like at graduation or in their Senior photo. You don’t want to delay making the hair, makeup, or dinner appointments for the evening, or any other ones that are related to your plans.

Students should also look for their outfits ahead of time. Now you can’t say for sure that you’re going with one person or another if it’s early in the year, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t still grab that dress you like in December, of the tux you want in February. Coordination doesn’t require that couples wear perfectly matching outfits. You only need to do your hair a certain way or put on a coordinating accessory for you two to show off that you’re a couple that’s excited for the fun ahead.

If you’re struggling to afford an outfit or makeup then you should be concerned! Your guidance counselor should be aware of the many options that are available to you. They will keep things discreet, and can direct you towards the many different foundations that offer goods and services just for students in need. A Google search can also lead you to the various organizations and news articles related to them.

Time to Think About Your Future

Senior year is when high school ends, but looking past it can feel overwhelming as well. Never fear, because you aren’t alone in this. If you take life just one step at a time then chances are you won’t end up falling back down the stairs. Joking aside, Seniors and Graduates should know that there are things they can do to plan ahead, and when they struggle there is help.

If you have a career in mind then you should get involved in it as soon as you can. If you have any requirements then get them done sooner rather than later. If it’s something a little more extra and you find out you don’t care for it, then you can back out early on, before you’re completely committed to whatever it may be. Taking career based classes are a vital early step. If you feel unhappy with it or unable to do the work then you know that the career you chose isn’t right for you after all. Those things you hate won’t change as you take more classes, and they’ll translate directly into the daily life you’ll have in that career, becoming the boring and nitty gritty pieces that might haunt you.

Plan ahead, do your research, and know you’re not alone. Senior year is intimidating, but it isn’t eternal. You’ll be able to make it through, so work hard, have some fun, and never forget about that bright future that you’re building for yourself.