How Much Does Mold Removal Cost?

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You have just discovered mold in your home and you want to have it removed immediately, but you also don’t want to be taken advantage of by a mold abatement company who hikes up the price because most people don’t have experience in this process. Here are a few tips in making sure you understand the process so you can make an informed decision:

1. Consider Multiple Bids. Having multiple companies come to your home is a good idea for a number of reasons. It will allow you to get a better feel for what a reasonable price is to have the work completed. If you get three estimates, and two are close in price while the third is double the other two estimates, that is a good sign they’re likely overpriced. It will also allow you to speak to multiple abatement experts who can educate you on the process so you have a better understanding of what to expect. And by speaking to multiple mold abatement companies, you will hopefully be able to find a company that is not only reasonably priced, but people you will feel comfortable with working in your home.

2. It is Just an Estimate. With mold, it is usually very difficult to know exactly how much work is needed to remove all the affected material. It is common that when a wall cavity is opened or flooring is removed there is more mold then is visible on the outside of the material. During mold abatement it is common to “chase” the mold until it is all identified. An experienced mold abatement company can usually anticipate how much mold there is likely to be, unfortunately there is no way to know exactly how much mold is present under floors or inside wall cavities until the material is actually removed. Most companies will give you an estimate based on what they know it will cost with the understanding that it may cost more if additional mold is discovered. Some experienced companies will also put a cap on the estimate for the possibility of additional damages.

3. Estimate Should Include Pricing. A good mold abatement company should be able to explain their estimate and how they arrived at the price they did. Their estimate should explain the scope of work i.e. the labor to be done and equipment to be used and pricing for each item. If the mold abatement company is estimating the job by labor hours, their estimate should list how many labor hours they estimate and what the hourly rate is. The same goes for equipment to be used. If they are charging for pieces of equipment, they should identify each piece of equipment, how much it costs per day, and how many days it will be used. Don’t be afraid to ask a mold abatement company to explain their scope of work and estimate pricing.

While selecting a mold abatement company, keep in mind it is your home and ultimately nothing should happen in your home unless you approve it. Finding an abatement company you can trust and communicate with is perhaps the most important step in repairing your home.

If you think you might have mold in your home Call ServiceMaster Restoration by Elite For a FREE Estimate (916) 245-8862