A Band of Orcs

Herkunftsland: USA

Gegründet: 2007

Death Metal / Thrash Metal

Warchiefs of the Apocalypse (2007)

Adding Heads to the Pile (2012)

Album: Adding Heads to the Pile (2012)



1. Prepare for Domination
2. When the Hills Run Red
3. In the Keeper's Chamber
4. Of Broken Chains and Shattered Skulls
5. Wyrd of the Winter Wolf
6. The Darkness That Comes Before
7. Hall of the Frozen Dead
8. Lair of the Ice Wyrm
9. Stormbringer
10. At the Mouth of Fire
11. Fall of the Fire Lord
12. Adding Heads to the Pile
13. A Deeper Evil

Homepage: http://www.abandoforcs.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/abandoforcs
MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/abandoforcs


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