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How popular is overwatch in your country?


I'm a Korean. so my English skill is not good enough. Please understand.

In Korea, so many players get out from overwatch and then they play battleground or lol.

You know Korea has PC-bang culture. usually, when lol has 30 % of user count, Overwatch get 25% of user player count on PC bang. but nowadays, they got 11.54% of user player count on PC bang. (the Third rank is overwatch. second is lol, first is battleground)

why am I still playing overwatch? first, my PC is not good. You know battleground has bad optimization quality. Second, I don't like lol and MOBA games. third, I like blizzard game. when I became 20's, the first game I played was starcraft2. when I am a teenager, especially in high school, I don't like pc games.

So, overwatch is still the best game for me. and I love to watch overwatch competitive league. but so many people in Korea said Overwatch league and apex and every blizzard's e-sports working are ruined and overwatch too.

they love to play battleground, and they are looking forward to e-sports of battleground.

I really love overwatch, so I want they still have a good condition from every point of view. How about in your country? Is overwatch ruined? could you tell me?

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Idk but I'm 100% positive Mexico has at least 1 OW player


Ik, I was too sleepy and forgot

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u/redditmx avatar

Overwatch is very popular here among casuals, however most of the playerbase is on consoles specially Xbox and they don't care about the competitive scene

u/Desikz avatar

Yeah, very popular console game in México, all the "pceros" (PC gamers) already moved back to LoL or are in the battle royale train with PUGB or Fortnite

All my Mexican friends stopped playing

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u/zach508 avatar

Australia had a decent scene initially, with 3 10k tourneys earlier this year, two of which were LANs. However, Blizzard ANZ had to spend all of their budget to fund the World Cup here so we've had zero tournaments worth mentioning for something like 6 months. Game's ready to die here but there's hope for a contenders in our region early next year.

u/Akrakne avatar

People are quitting more and more these days in OCE, scene and ladder are in a really negative, toxic spot.


I played with AU players who are t500 and have told me that it is so hard to keep this rank solo because they are always put with lower ranked players and lose so much more than they gain when they lose/win.

u/zach508 avatar

Yeah, it's hard to maintain t500 in ANZ due to the awful matchmaking where one team will gets diamond or plats to compensate for having a t500. When the t500 inevitably loses a game, they'll drop a big chunk of SR because the system thinks this player should be able to carry every game. This is why the top ANZ players often VPN to the North American servers for higher quality games at the cost of ping.

u/Clintosity avatar

Same shit in GM, heaps of games i get 4 diamonds 1 master 1 gm vs like 5 masters 1 diamond etc..


probably the wrong place to ask but im personally sick of OCE matchmaking too, does anybody know the best free way to VPN to NA servers?

u/zach508 avatar

All good mate. Free VPNs are awful I'm afraid and will leave you with massive ping issues , which this game really hates and will send you rubberbanding around the map. Your best bet is to download MudFish (free) and throw $5 credit onto it then get your nodes sorted. $5 will last you months. A guide on the whole thing, written by Gunba from Blank Esports, can be found here

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u/Akrakne avatar

yeah so they six stack. Ex: Cantus and friends

u/zach508 avatar

Yeah the actual reason 6 stacking happened was to guarantee the avoidance of win traders that were rampant that season (4), as well as the awful matchmaking the game has where it can drop two GMs into a team of plats vs. an all Masters team.


He duo qs

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we have the OWOCE stuff too but it's really inaccessible

u/zach508 avatar

OCE Overwatch tournament is something at least, but it's a two month committal for a measly $1000 prize pool which is inevitable split 6+ ways. All credit to the guys for throwing their money into the pot for the scene, but we need something much bigger once the year's over and the only guys that can do this are Blizzard ANZ.

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I gave up on top500 oce, too hard. All the good players have either quit, or VPN to NA. The scene here was actually good up until end of season 3.

You sometimes can dice roll a decent night, but most nights you just get the same handful of wintrading douche bags who have ruined it for everyone.

u/zach508 avatar

It's a struggle, I got very close to top 100 last season but am barely GM this season because you just lose so easily in this region with poor matchmaking (lack of high rated players also hurts) and trolls being very common. The trick is to play from around 4pm-7pm , as that's prime time for people to be warming up before their scrims start.

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u/frezz avatar

Combined with the fact that OW is in a pretty shitty state right now, with horrible balance decisions being made everywhere; competitive mode is a shitshow, and there's no real financial benefit, people don't see any reason to stay.

Only reason the NA scene survived was because they had Contenders and OWL coming. OCE is literally dead, with the next decent tournament nowhere in sight.


NZ here, and this is purely anecdotal, but most of my friends have gone back to LoL for a simple reason - identity. People like to have a role. People like to say they're a jungle, or a support, or an adc, or whatever. It just feels good to have a main role that you can say you play, are good at, and can reliably play and progress on. Role queue in league is perfect for this. In Overwatch, it's pure luck whether you'll get the role you like. It just feels bad. No one wants to feel like they're playing sub optimally or 'out of role' in a comp environment, and it happens all the time. I think people frequently underestimate the attachments people form to heroes and classes, and overwatch basically shits all over the concept. It's especially paradoxical in overwatch, a game that's built on incredibly unique and recognisable characters, to trivialise them the way it does. It just feels bad, man.

u/zach508 avatar

I can see how that attachment and 'maining' would be a disconnect between Overwatch and LoL. The lack of a role queue hurts, and its absence means that being a flexible players who can play every role is highly valuable in public matchmaking. The fact of the matter however, like you said, is that not everyone enjoys flexing and would rather be especially good at one or two certain heroes.

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Vietnamese here, OW is 99% dead right here for long now, simply because lot of people can't afford 40$ to 60$ (~1.3 million VND), we used to have internet cafe (similar to Korean PC bang) where OW is 100% free to play but our toxic, shitty community stealing accounts, hacking and ruining OW scene and its community is already dry out (dead i mean).

Lot of my friends are League hardcore, at least 3-4 of them playing OW but begin losing interest to the game (due to shitty MM, poor balance, stale meta and rather long, inconsistent updates), am still playing, but it start to get bored and serious burn out happen (i hit at 4.1k GM but let it decay for now), i want OW to be success and its esport scene but knowing Blizzard, isn't gonna happen unless they step up and rethink what they done with Mercy/Junkrat spammy meta and start to promote esport scene more.

u/Cadenza- avatar

It doesn't help that all Blizzard servers have terrible ping here, and they would like to pretend the regional scene don't exist at all for their pretty OWL investments.

OW costs 1.3 million Vietnamese Dong? Please tell me your bills come in 10000+ notations >.<

u/indecencies avatar

You could buy your month's worth of groceries for 3 with the price of Overwatch in Vietnam my dude. Kinda just how it is with most SE Asian countries...

Similar in some South American countries. I know Venezuelans actually gold farm in RuneScape in order to make better money than they would at most of their jobs...

I didn’t know about that one

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1 USD = 22,725 VND

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You can play ow at internet cafes for free? How does that work? I'm from China and when I went back there this summer I went to 3 diffrent internet cafes but still had to play on my NA server account with game-breaking ping. Is there a sharing account on each pc or something?

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League, csgo, dota, etc all the established esports are far more popular in terms of the competitive scene. This much is fact. It doesn't help that the current meta is pretty horrendous to play. So that definitely hurts the play time.

Now, is overwatch ruined? No, at least not for me. I also love this game and i'm hoping OWL is a huge success. If this is the titanic then i'm prepared to go down with the ship. I'll watch until the end, whenever that may be because OW is the first game in awhile that truly made me interested in the pro scene. I'll watch csgo/league/dota, etc once in awhile but they just don't interest me.

Just a side note but OW is currently 3rd on twitch, although it's because tim, moon and Calvin are all on

Blizzard needs to pay Calvin and Moon for keeping this thing going singlehandedly while they take their sweet ass time on OWL.


I fear OW will die slow death pleagued by bad esport decisions like with SC2

u/CyborgJunkie avatar

Complemented by an increasingly frustrating experience in comp.

u/Desikz avatar

They killed the Amateur scene, they killed the one thing I looked forward every month! RIP OMM

u/ScopionSniper avatar

Eh Sc2 while a shadow of its former self is going pretty strong. It's not. It's nothing like it was that first year. It's a dead game by esports standards. StarCraft: Remastered was the final nail in its coffin.

Dead games can still have tournaments, doesn't mean the scene isn't still tiny.

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They also need to pay Stylosa because he is probably the only big youtuber who actually cares about and actively promotes Overwatch as an esport

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is moon streaming OW again?

u/Esco9 avatar

He never stopped, he just added in other games during the night stream at 1 am usually.

his production quality on his intros are top notch. such a treat to watch

u/hello_friend_of_mine avatar

i mean he is the greatest variety streamer

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It started off really strong in India with support from various sponsors and organisations. But then a mixture of players losing interest and some politics ( favoring certain teams).

It still has a lot of potential in India, but that is probably due to the low base itself

OW is pretty much dead on every SEA region (not sure for Thailand) but other place like Malay, Singapore and Vietnam (my country) is 99% sure (majority of our community like cheap, low effort, trash, knock-off, rip-off game from China and any high quality, expensive, AAA games get knocked out pretty fast).

Why do you think the Singapore scene is dead? I'm still sticking around, in hopes that something eventually happens in the future, don't give up on SEA, we have good players that aren't receiving enough exposure, that's all

don't give up on SEA

I didn't, just want to give my current thoughts about state of OW in SEA region right now, not much people know or barely care about the game, am also tired the whole dooming and glooming of this sub anyway, yes i also want OWL to be success and its might draws my interest and our gaming community back to the game.

To be fair OW never was popular here, 40$ is a lot for most people. Also don't want to talk shit about our own country, but we don't really have any care for copyright and stuff like that, you know what i mean. Well in my play time i did notice quite a few VN players, so it's not like it's dead here.

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What good players? Lol compared to the big boys they could 5v6 us and we still wouldn’t win

You're the reason why SEA isn't doing well, with an attitude like that, you won't go far in life tbh. What's the point of being pessimistic? I don't think being pessimistic helps.

Wtf? Are you alright?

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When I say dead I meant a waning / declining interest. Was OW big in your region and then fallen off?

Was OW big in your region and then fallen off

Isn't big, but when OW came out it draw a lot of attentions, interesting and its potential to our gaming community, we use to have PC bang where OW is free to play so people can try out and give their thoughts about the game, it went well in the first day but ultimately, part of toxicity, hacking, stealing accounts and poor behaviors destroying OW very fast.

Overwatch decline very fast, due to economy difference, lot of people don't know Overwatch, overwhelming casuals refer low-effort and trashy Chinese games because is free (but short lifespan and easy to lose money), the largest part of League players still exist and dominating majority of our gaming communities.

I agree. I think Blizzard is pinning too much hope on the top part of Overwatch and ignoring the lower levels.

u/skarseld avatar

As someone who played 2 of Blizzard's games competitively, it's sad to see a game this good in the hands of this company. They are so hellbent on not communicating with the Community that it's ridiculous. Thankfully Mike Donais from the HS team got more active on Reddit recently, maybe they'll step out of their caves and actually communicate with the players.

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u/theswitchfox avatar

Overwatch had a decent following in the Philippines as well - now most players are either playing PUBG or back to DOTA.

Thailand also dead. No tournaments in Thailand almost 1 years.

In TGS 2016 (aka Thailand Game Show) there is a big overwatch. Unfortunately there is no tournament this year.

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u/ntpblack avatar

In Norway last year there were 16 teams competing at a local lan party. This year we only had 3 teams. So I believe Overwatch lost its place in Norway.

u/GenuineWallaby avatar

Don't you have Telenorligaen? Or is that also dead?

u/varateshh avatar

Its dying pretty hard. Think fewer teams playing than previous seasons and teams in upper divisions struggling to replace players they are losing (IMO quality of players in Division 1 and 2 also dropped, div. 2 especially). Pretty sure it will 100% die when telenorligaen tries to charge a participation fee next season. In previous seasons it was pretty common to sell 1./2. division spots (when a team disbands and owner sells the spot to someone else) and I think it was a lot harder to sell such spots this season.

u/ntpblack avatar

95% of the overwatch players in Norway dont even know what that is.

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u/kaizerbba avatar

Hmm to me popularity in my country can be divided into popularity of Overwatch in general and popularity of its eSports scene.

If it's the game itself, Overwatch is still incredibly popular in the Philippines. We have a very big anime community and a lot of that audience is still very into Overwatch. They also tend to buy Overwatch merch especially the figures. They still play the game regularly but it's more on casual and enjoy the game very much. Of course the 40$ price is high so it will never be the most played PC game here. It's actually kind of shocking for me that it got as popular as it did with that price tag haha. Player base has gone down compared to release but I just attribute that to the honeymoon phase of the game being over and people who rode the hype have moved on to new hype games.

On the other hand, people who are into the esports scene here are hard to come by. People do play competitive ladder and we have had some small local tourneys. In terms of watching the big overseas tourneys like APEX or Contenders, it's not really popular because there has been 0 marketing so far. There were 3 PH teams that joined Open Division so there's at least some interest in the joining esports scene. I'm very hopeful for OWL and making casuals interested in OW esports because I was one of those casuals that just got into it because of OWWC.

I notice the same thing. The casual scene is pretty active but it's hard to find the competitive playerbase, much less people into OW esports.

I remember almost a year ago, there was an Overwatch SEA tournament but it barely got advertised. If it weren't for the OW PH Facebook page, I wouldn't have known at all. It's a bit upsetting because I got a strong feeling that SEA has a lot of talent but we're pretty much overlooked, and I really wanna see the competitive scene here grow.

u/kaizerbba avatar

It really would help if the game was free in computer shops. It's the price tag that's stopping a lot of people from playing the game.

Out of curiosity, how much is the rate in internet cafes? I don't really visit them since they're pretty sketchy and the one I know best is Mineski and one called Tektite that recently opened.

Bu that is true. The game is currently around 2k php and that's crazy expensive to the average student. Not to mention, many Filipino parents are still very traditional and not very supportive of their kids getting into competitive gaming. I think I should start getting more involved with the local scene.

u/kaizerbba avatar

i think it's around 20-25 an hour? i haven't gone to one in a long time though so i might be wrong.

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u/Kapange avatar

Just curious, where are you basing the "incredible popularity" of the game? I know it's popular because of the art community but as a game, is it still?

Most of my friends never go online anymore or when they do, they never play competitive at all. Seems like most people I know treat it either very casually or are just done playing it.

u/kaizerbba avatar

Well mine is just purely anecdotal from what I've seen through social media. I don't have numbers to back it up since I don't think netcafes here record what games are being played (but I could be wrong. I would love to see some numbers if anyone has them)

I'll base it in the Overwatch playgroup that I have. We started out as a group of 9 or so with college friends. Over the past year, it grew to over 30 members with some living outside Metro Manila. This is by no means an organized group. Just a facebook group chat.

Some of my friends are still buying the game. They are the people who have been interested in the lore when it was first released and only now are they getting the game after the past free weekends.

But yeah, most are casuals. A lot of them don't even touch the ladder. There have been 1v1, FFA, and regular tournaments though. The grand finals were inside conventions.

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u/bata12 avatar

Overwatch is fading very fast in China

PUBG is like 10~20 times bigger in the streaming industry here

Many pro teams have disbanded and fled to PUBG


which means they are going to do it again next time a big name pops up - I wouldn't worry about those players, these kinds of people exist in every aspect of life - and the likelihood is that they wouldn't contribute much to the scene anyways. So let them jump ship all they want.

u/machen020406 avatar

no matter what game they play, overwatch is already dead.

u/moro__ avatar


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Ow in France has a pretty active and committed community but almost no one is interested in the esport of ow and the majority dont even know that exists. I think it's a super bad move for blizzard to not have a Paris slot for owl because we French people love nothing more to support our team especially when it's a good one . For example just for the world cup qualifiers for the France games we had a peak at 15k viewers for the French stream

u/Divinspree avatar

Well, Rogue disbanding and not being in OWL is not going to help unfortunately


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I'm Canadian but I love watching the French players/streamers. The French have such an amazing community with #avecle6 and it's great to see. Also Locklear coming up from being a Battlefield streamer with 30 viewers, quitting for a while, then coming back and teaming up with Alpha and the other guys to finally get thousands of viewers is amazing and I love it. Unfortunate what happened to Rogue, but they're sticking together for one last push as the 6.

Locklear is the best ;)

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u/MountainMan2_ avatar

Lots of “Overwatch is dead” comments here, can’t help but agree. My university’s Esports Club recently tried to get together an Overwatch team, but several people backed out citing similar reasons to what everyone is saying here- the balance sucks, the scene is dying, etc.

Such a shame, this was the only game I ever got really good at and I loved the cast, but it’s clearly dying a fad’s death.

Seem like the Tespa league is going strong without your school, though. I know several people playing in it from different schools and they're enjoying it quite a bit.

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u/w4n avatar

Living in a German city with a metropolitan area of around 5.6 mil people I definitely see the OW logo crop up in the form of hoodies, caps and buttons every so often. I'd say around 40% of all people I know have heard about the game and roughly a third those do play or have played the game. However, I'm the only one in my admittedly very small social circle who is invested in OW esports.

Not really any tournaments in Sweden, but a ton of people play it, and we do have a fair share of pros


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u/mag1xs avatar

Somehow it's dying down in CS from being dominant for 16-17 years... whyyyy kids, why?

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Overwatch is very popular among gamers here in the Arab World. I'd say it even overtook games like Destiny/COD/Battlefield/Fifa, which were the most popular online games at some point. And with Destiny 2 being such a disappointment I'd say that Overwatch still is the most popular.

This game is so polished and appealing in terms of world and character design. The fact that it has two Arab characters and two maps from the region only made it more popluar and loved. They nailed the Arabic voicelines and voice acting for Ana and everything else like the signs with Arabic writings on Anubis and Oasis. I don't want to sound like a victim but we are used to our region being represented in stupid generic shooter games that have maps from this region that are always ugly and messed up and the Arabic script is usually wrong, and if they had Arab characters they usually are very unappealling and speak gibberish that is supposed to resemble Arabic.

As for competitive Overwatch, we have small tournaments here and there, but we're still way behind in this respect. We don't have our own servers and we are always playing on EU servers with 120 ping or higher. But we're used to this with other games too, it is very rare for a game to have MENA dedicated servers, alas.

Tl;dr: I can say that Overwatch is a success in the Arab region to say the least. And it still maintains a high popularity among Arab gamers.

u/NeV3RMinD avatar

I don't give a shit about general representation of the middle east but I get triggered so hard when game devs get Arabic script wrong and you get shit like

ا م ت ح ق ذ ک ی

You don't give a shit? Well, you should.

I agree. We as consumers/gamers should be at least aware of how poorly games portray the region and support developers who make an effort to make a decent/positive representation every once in a while.

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u/askar995 avatar

what do you mean Arab region?? north Africa or middle east? arabian gulf? putting arab region in one category is wrong cause they are vastly different in culture.

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Your English is good enough to make yourself understandable, you can be proud (:

u/misterVery avatar

Thank you. I dont use english in my real life in korea. I just studied it for a long time. So i worried about my grammer and vocabulary. Anyway. Thank you very much.


Wow. Yeah for someone who doesn't use it regularly you write it better than some immigrants to the US! LOL

No need to patronize him.


Not patronizing, english is a hard language and I like when people try to learn my language. Encouragement always is nice. And there are a lot of immigrants in the US whose English is either nonexistant or abysmal because they dont care to learn which is ridiculous.

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u/HERC82 avatar

Overwatch have a big community in Italy, people loves the art, the background, the heroes, lot of success about community events or new skins / arcade release, less for esport.


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u/ahdoah avatar

I mean so far Esports wise OW teams doing better than TW LoL teams Kappa


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u/2muchnothing avatar

yeah followings like westdoor's fans are gonna have a hard time dying out

u/ahdoah avatar

I mean FPS shooter game were never a thing in Asia


yap,FPS game isn't popular in Taiwan and some people dont wanna spend money buying a game imo.

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u/shomman avatar

wow really? Taiwan has a huge tournament with the biggest prize poool for Overwatch in the world.

u/zach508 avatar

Taiwan's doing well , at least from an outsider perspective, since they have OPC and are sending their best team to APAC (Flash Wolves).

u/shomman avatar

Yeah, that's why im curious that he's saying the game is already dead

u/zach508 avatar

Yeah same here, I'm curious what the inside perspective is. Maybe that scene is top-heavy in that only the 1% of top tier players are given any limelight (OPC).

u/tungtung0920 avatar

The viewers and popularity of OPC is not as good as the prize pool should make it be imo. There were about<50 viewers last time i went to BZ e'stadium for OPC, and online viewers were always around 1~2k. But the viewer of LMS(lol games) always hit 10k or even more. Also, there's no any official info for OWC season3 so far. I think the esport/compete scene is quiet dead here,tho there are still some people like me interest in tournament in other countries.

Sorry for my poor English skill:(

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Sponsored by Ronnie’s custom gear

u/SamillWong avatar

nothing to sponsor when theres no scene

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u/Gihrenia avatar


DotA 2 is still popular, we have a love/hate rivalry with the Philippines. LOL is non-existent, though Riot seems to be planning to open a local office.

Mainstreams are playing RoV (mobile MOBA from Garena), that thing is stupid huge here, probably because it runs on any semi-decent phones and doesn't require an investment in a PC or console.

Overwatch has a decent local community, everybody is a fan of Mickie. PUBG is gaining a steady growth, people seems to be switching between these two games. There's a burgeoning streaming culture, sadly there's not much of a pro scene here.


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Ping is high in Finland too (around 40-50 depending on your location)


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u/skald avatar

Same, live in Helsinki.

50 for me and I live in Espoo wtf

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I don't know what are you talking about, i'm getting 1-3 russian players every game (ranked and qp). But, yeah no comp scene indeed.

u/freaktrim avatar

Overwatch is pretty much dead in most of South America, there was some hype for it on the beginning but all these terrible patches and horrible matchmaking have taken its toll on the community. Even Paladins is more successful than OW these days.


Are there any official numbers for south america? Not sure if it's dead, but there are way less players and matchmaking takes a long time to find 2 teams now compared to when it released

u/freaktrim avatar

No, but there are way less players for sure. Almost everyone I knew from the diamond-low gm comp scene has stopped playing the game.

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u/Dieswithrez avatar

Brazil ruined the game for me. Let me choose my server please. I vpn and can choose Chicago for 100 ping or Brazil for 99 ping. Without vpn it defaults to brazil.

Use windows firewall to block BR ips, it works.

u/Dieswithrez avatar

Thats amazing but still all of south america plays on one server. I feel for EU

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Here in Latvia, we can barely get 20 players for LAN parties or tourneys in local gaming bar... initially we had plenty of teams but now there is no full Latvian teams...


Friends stopped playing this season bc mm sucked. But will return for next season if changes are coming

u/Ph4sor avatar

Hello, living between Korea and Indonesia here,

  • In Korea is like the OP said, pretty much the PC-bang scene for Overwatch is sort of dead. I regularly played with my friends (fellow foreigners or some Koreans) for the whole year. They gradually stopped playing around June / July, I think around Hog's sledgehammer nerf then my friends think that's really stupid (me also) so they just return to play LoL. The only ones that playing these days in couple of PC-bangs near my neighborhood (I live around college area) is only first / second year girl students, who play casually, they boys are pretty much playing LoL.

  • In Indonesia, is pretty much dead, hahaha. You need to buy, so definitely less players than DotA or LoL, and the problems are within Blizzard itself. From the launch until around March there are couple of small tournaments, but there are no good prize (the most expensive one is just some high-end graphic card, imagine that divided by 6 people), and organizing one takes too much chore (Blizz's regulations). Even now I tried to organize an online tournament for scrubs, no one is interested.

It's pretty sad state for the game IMO, can't play properly anymore because most of my friends are left already. Making new ones? It's pretty hard when the ones you met are just trolls and selfish persons (only play Hanzo, Widow, Genji, McCree).

Soloq is pretty much unenjoyable, especially with these stupid balance / reworks sledgehammer they keep doing over and over again.

I did try to ask in the forum, giving suggestions even, like specific skins usage for easier spectate in tournaments, small tweaks instead of sledgehammer reworks, what do the devs want for Overwatch's future. Instead the one who get answered is the pineapple pizza question.

I still love this game, but now it's frustating. I don't really play that much anymore, instead I watch APEX regularly. But now? Even APEX got delayed until who knows when for centering all attention to OWL, which we also don't who are going to play and when it's going to start. Not mentioning all the subpar talents compared to APEX. Really sad state.

Pakistan. Don't know anyone who plays it on PC. Ik like 3 casual players that play rarely on consoles tho. Feelsreallybad

middle eastern here, ow is still very popular (console popular too). recently we had a 15k$ tourney in a convention. it doesn't look promising for the future if the ladder is still broken.

u/Cadenza- avatar

So, overwatch is still the best game for me. and I love to watch overwatch competitive league. but so many people in Korea said Overwatch league and apex and every blizzard's e-sports working are ruined and overwatch too.

There's a reason why Kespa doesn't trust Blizzard enough to invest in this game after the shameful efforts to strong-arm SC2 esports.

u/OxxxyDant avatar

In my country there is no pro scene for OW. We have only CS GO and dota 2 pro scene pretty much, and LoL

u/singed1337 avatar

Imo watching overwatch competetive(I mean e sports scene) are very boring because of camera angles. Id rather watch someone on twitch. One of the biggest aspects behind the success of MOBAs in e sports scene is, it has a very spectatable mechanic

it seems pretty popular in north america

u/sevristh89 avatar

Italy here. I'll say 90% casual 10% competitive.

The game is still popular and the player base continues to expand... but the sad thing is that many people have told me that they tried CompetitiveQ only to go back immediately on QP because toxicity\people that don't understand how to cooperate and play the game properly (like 5 dps instalock, you know what I mean)..

People understand it, they just don't enjoy it, so prefer QP. Honestly who wants to play a resbot, healbot, or a moving shield in what is apparently supposed to be a FPS? Every tank main I ever hear states they only did it because they had to. Supports mains are the same to a lesser extent, although some are just MOBA players who find them a less mechanically intensive way to contribute.

u/varateshh avatar

Some really love to play mercy. Even at gm lvl.

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u/Fishnchops avatar

Have yet to meet a person irl that plays overwatch..

EDIT: live in denmark

Brazil. Really popular game even with the overprice here but no one cares about competitive. Most of the players are Riot refugees and dont have a good PC to run PUBG.

Ukrainian here. No scene whatsoever. Even before, when it was growing rapidly. Basically everyone who plays shooters play CS:GO here. No support form Blizzard at all. There are a couple of casters who work for Starladder and a couple of ex-pro TF and Quake players in some European stacks, which dissapeared eventually...


It's dying everywhere, yesterday when I opened twitch,I found overwatch is out of top 20.

The more I play,the more I feel blizzard only has good artists.

Their designers and balance team are so horrible.

And they deal everything too slow, patch slow, new heroes slow, balance slow, fix issues slow. Which really makes overwatch boring and stale.

u/Relodie avatar

And now its top 3. My god what have they done! Twitch numbers are a joke to gauge game activity.

u/laiier avatar

Games like league and pubg will never leave top 4

u/SkeezyMak avatar

pubg will always have good numbers as long as lirik/summit/doc/shroud stream it every single day.

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u/alkkine avatar

I guess it depends pretty highly on who is actually streaming but the majority of the time I see it OW has about 20k viewers and 25-50% of it is all on one channel.

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u/ChocolateMorsels avatar

Except outside of Mercy and arguably Junkrat (I don't think he's THAT OP like many believe), the game is really well balanced at the moment.

Yeah endless dive comp is really balanced.

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u/notshade1 avatar

that is probably because moon/tim and other big streamers were on.

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I'm from Canada, no one I know plays Overwatch anymore on PC, it's still being played by younger plays on consoles though.

u/ImReallyGrey avatar

Same in Uk for me, never met someone who plays it. Modt people I talk to have either not heard of it or have a very vague idea. 90% of gaming here is based around Fifa it feels like.

Also from Canada. When Overwatch came out I had 6 other friends who purchased the game and now none of them play it anymore. Even the couple randos I started regularly queuing with from OverwatchLF don't even play anymore. I've also recently stopped playing (been about 3 weeks now) due to the shitty balancing. I'd say toxicity is a small chunk but the Mercy/Junkrat changes pushed me away from the game altogether.

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u/chuletron avatar

how is pubg esports even a thing, watched the muselk tournament and it was clear that it was just not meant to be.

u/Ram- avatar

That tournament was bad, it doesn't mean there isn't potential for pubg to be an esport. I think it could actually be great to watch but there is also some big problems that need solving, primarily a decent competitive format.

u/chuletron avatar

i dont know man, to me it just seems just as unfit as say gta v esports.

u/Ram- avatar

haha i think that's a bit rough. I think the game has good fundamental mechanics and good potential for suspense and epic plays, much like cs. I also think it would take a lot of work to mold it into a viable esport. I'd like to see an attempt though, and given the popularity on twitch as well as player counts it would't surprise me if something were to develop in a few years time (obviously after the game is in a more complete state).

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u/R0nin7z avatar

Can't speak for my country but speaking about the game in general.

I feel like alot of people really love the game, they love the characters, the gameplay, the lore and all that is overwatch.

The thing they do really hate tho are the things like matchmaking, balancing, toxic players, one tricks and what not. Which is severely hurting the game. It's not as if the players don't love the game, it's just that the negatives heavily out weight the positives for alot of people and they get burned out.

u/allbluesanji avatar

Dead, only 8% of friends list still on casually

u/KrzyDankus avatar

idk how popular Overwatch is in Finland

It is super popular if you look at the semi-pro scene

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Tons of people in my area play it BUT most of them are console players.

u/ScopionSniper avatar

Live in the Southern Midwest of the US in a small town less than 30k. So for about the first year of the game my irl group of friends and my wife, totaling about 12 people all played OW. Together, watched Tournaments, ect. Now I'm pretty much the only one that still plays minus my wife on occasion. So there's that.

That being said most them will still buy Art or Overwatch merchandise just because it's so easy to latch onto a character. They just don't play or watch Tournaments anymore.

u/sakata_gintoki113 avatar

switzerland is doing good, we have around 20 active teams that even visit LANs

I've been wondering -- I know that Korea has the detailed statistics around PC Bang usage, which is awesome because it's based in actual data. Outside of Korea, how do we actually get data around OW players and "true activity"? I know that the general consensus of this sub is that the game "is dying." Is there a clear way to verify this like Korean PC Bang stats?

EDIT: Thanks to anyone who can help me understand this -- OW is my first interest in eSports, and stuff like "consistent" Twitch viewership doesn't seem as conclusive as something like: "In Korea we have actual stats around people playing in PC Bangs." :]

u/Ph4sor avatar

I think this is the one reason why some, if not a lot of people are skeptical about OWL. Blizzard never release statistics data how many accounts that are still playing regularly (like at least 3/4 hours everyday, or idk maybe at least playing weekends?).

They only released they have 35 mil. accs. playing this game. 35 mil. are still not counting the smurf, old accs. that now are not playing anymore (I have around 15 accs. in my friendlist who are not playing more than 5-8 months). The clear data is just not there.

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Canadian from Quebec here. I think our competitive/amateur scene is decent. We have college-level tournaments and league like a smaller version of Heroes of the Dorm. We have internet cafés that hold tournaments every week or so - and a few teams are forming here to play in contenders. Although I'm a fan of that, I'd kinda stick with Americans due to Quebecers' toxic reputation.

u/iAmVictM avatar

Pretty much dead in Romania.

u/lordHam17 avatar

In Finland, a lot of people play it but it's not something we talk about that much. It does stay at a casual level at least in my experience, eSports isn't that big of a deal here (yet).

u/Stuffferz avatar

So dead that no one even mentioned Ireland yet

Odd, here in florida it's actually shocking how mainstream it is, we had a plummer/electrition come over to our house and he needed to go to my room while i was playing and he said his sister played OW, it was a really odd coincidence, other then that i know a few people in my high school that play it, mostly on console.

u/Gatesleeper avatar

You know there are more states of being a game can be in other than "thriving" or "dead".

I'd say OW is in a state of small but steady decline this year, in terms of playerbase, player hours, tournament interest, and stream viewership.

I think the game itself is fine. Not enough healer/tank heroes and the updates have become too infrequent, but that by itself isn't killing the game. What is killing the game in my opinion is the confused and confusing pro scene. The glacially slow rollout of OWL has been a huge detriment to the growth of the game.

But even still, from my own perspective as a player, the game is doing fine. I say that because at GM level on the NA server, I can queue for a competitive game at any hour of the day and be placed into a match in less than 5 minutes. I cannot recall ever waiting more than 5 minutes for a queue to pop in OW, and it's usually less than 3 minutes. I play at all hours of the day, from midday, peak, late night, to late late night/early morning. Early morning, say 5 to 8 AM is the least populous time to queue, but I will still find games under 5 minutes. Granted, at those times there is a good chance I will be matched with Master players and maybe even the odd diamonds, but those matches are still playable and the teams fair.

That said, just judging from my friends list of ~50 players, there have been a lot of people who haven't played this season at all compared to previous seasons. I know while some players quit there will be new ones that join, just from my feeling of the game it seems the game grew from season 1 to 2 to 3, plateued there for a couple of seasons, and has fell from season 4 to 5 and 5 to 6.

u/Sc2MaNga avatar

When most people talk about "dead" they mean the professional E-Sport scene. OW (and most Blizzard games in general) will always have casual people to play with. You can easily start Diablo 2 and probably find some people online.

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Overwatch is doing really well in Finland compared to many other countries at least if this comment section is right place to judge that. We have really big league going on. The teams represent biggest Finnish orgs and actual, huge sports clubs.

u/tomasz1312 avatar

basically everyone in poland hates this game, cuz there is not really indivual skill needed to win.

u/kregstrong avatar

Lol what? That makes no sense

u/tomasz1312 avatar

Well, in Poland we want players with individual skill that can clutch with nice headshots any 1vX situations and not press Q and win team fight then wait 1 minutes and same again.

just most of our opinion, so we stick to games like csgo which actually have those kind of clutches.

I think he's referring to how Overwatch isn't what CS:GO is (How 1 player can single handedly win a round). CS:GO is super popular in Eastern European countries.

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u/ahdoah avatar

Again the community being in hysteria of OW dying without providing any solid evidence LOL

u/stoereboy avatar

Like the not solid evidence of going down 66% in playerbase in his country?

u/ahdoah avatar

66%? where did you get that number from? From data provided prior 2016/9/3 OW had its lead over Pubg On 2016/9/4 Pubg took over OW 16.68% vs 16.40% The question is Pubg taking over the OW FPS pie? What Pubg doing differently from OW? Is this just Pubg hype?

I think he meant in the OP's country Korea on PC Bang.

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u/GoldQueue avatar

It was popular at the start but now coz of the dev decision making I dont find the game much fun anymore :/

u/zepistol avatar

the model for competitive is not sustainable, and has pretty much run its course. i have been checking other random peoples profiles all season. the number of players ,plat to GM, that had 100-200 wins in comp s5 and s4 , and zero games played in s6 is huge.

make of it what you will, but for me the comp games were not fun. it seems much of the community burned itself out in comp chasing SR and end up going nuts with boredom, toxicity or frustration.

i still enjoy the game and play it heaps, but , you have to be careful what and when you play to avoid certain types of players people.
hardly watch OW at all anymore and i used to watch a lot.