
Let's raise £500k for the Analytical Engine

If you are new to this please read my introduction to Babbage's 100-year Leap. If not, read on...

I've created a PledgeBank entry for the project here where I'm asking people to pledge to donate $10/£10/€10 towards a non-profit organization dedicated to building the Analytical Engine. The non-profit would have four goals:

1. To help digitize and make available in electronic form all of Charles Babbage's notes and plans associated with the Difference Engine and Analytical Engine.

2. To fund the study of Babbage's Analytical Engine plans to determine what best constitutes a complete design for the Engine.

3. To coordinate the building of a computer simulation of the Analytical Engine that shows its working in 3D with accurate physics.

4. To build the Analytical Engine and donate it to a museum in Great Britain for public display.

PledgeBank operates on an all-or-nothing system where I either reach the goal and then can ask people to make good on their pledge, or I fail. Please consider signing up to pledge $10/£10/€10 towards these goals.

Sign my pledge at PledgeBank


Ruben Berenguel said...

I don't have my credit card here, but later as I get back home I'll sign up. It would be an awesome endeavour John.


Latest in my blog: And e/2 Appears from Nowhere

John Graham-Cumming said...

You don't need a credit card. Just sign the pledge, you don't need to hand over any money right now.

Simon Zerafa said...


I have added my name to the plege and will tweet the details later.

Lets hope we can get more folks onboard and get this project off the ground!

Kind Regards

Simon Zerafa

Ruben Berenguel said...

I wasn't aware of that, done!

Unknown said...


Facebook group up. invite your friends!

Unknown said...

Just got an email from PledgeBank saying it's game over. I don't care--where can I donate? ;-)

Unknown said...

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