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Instant Message

5:47 AM My favorite time of day. It’s easy to forget the part of my life that I hate, to pretend that I’m young again, that life is good, that there is hope and opportunity. In this pre-alarm quiet, lying in bed, my knee feels great, my wife looks amazing, and I’m filled with optimism and determination about what I’ll do with the day.

6:00 AM My wife sits up and immediately checks email on her cell phone. The combination of gravity and age pull her face down into an ever-present scowl. I get up and slowly make my way to the bathroom, my gait stiff and slow from the pain in my knee. I shower, and my optimism and determination slide down the drain with the shampoo.

8:00 AM I try to shake off the residual frustration of my morning commute and drop my body into my office chair.

I will sit here for the rest of the day, deleting emails, pretending to listen to conference calls, and replying to an endless stream of Instant Messages. This is, as they say, why I make the big bucks. Occasionally I’ll shuffle to the break room to get more coffee, or to the bathroom to get rid of coffee (as my Dad used to say).

Occasionally during these brief outings I’ll make small talk with the other inmates while we ignore the depression and defeat in each other’s eyes.

Thoreau called it a life of “quiet desperation.” Brilliant really.

10:32 AM An Instant Message window pops up with one word. “Hey.”

I wish I had a dollar for every time an Instant Message window popped up on my screen.

I looked to see who it was from, but was surprised. Normally it shows the full contact card – name, email, phone number, etc. – but this time it did not. All it showed was the initials GR.

I spent less than 5 seconds trying to think of who I might know with those initials, and realized I didn’t care.

“Hey,” I replied cleverly, “who is this?”

After a moment, “I’ll tell you, but you won’t believe me.”

I sighed. It was Kevin.

Kevin liked to be funny, liked to be cute, liked to try to “spice up the day.” I didn’t dislike Kevin, but I didn’t like him that much either. When he did make me laugh, I almost resented it. Most of the time he didn’t make me laugh, but I always pretended to laugh because Kevin was connected. Kevin was chosen. I tried not to think about the fact that humoring him now was just some strange type of anticipatory ass-kissing to someone who will almost certainly climb the career ladder faster and farther than me.

“Ok, tell me and we’ll see if I believe you.”

After a moment, he hit me with the unexpected response of, “It’s the Grim Reaper. That’s right, you are chatting with Death.” This was unfunny even by Kevin standards.

10:34 AM I thought about it, and decided to just try to cut to the chase of where this was inevitably going.

“Nice one, Kevin. Shouldn’t you be running your end of month reports about now?”

The screen started filling almost instantly.

“Aunt Lynda 2-17-1985 (heart attack). Aunt Maria 1-5-1989 (cancer). Uncle Raul 12-24-1993 (heart attack, ruined Christmas for years to come). Cousin Terry 3-29-2007 (motorcycle accident). Your Dad 4-4-2013 (heart attack). Your Mom 4-28-2013 (car accident that you believe was suicide, it was not).”

The air in my office suddenly felt hot and stale. I got up and shut my door and sat back down, staring at the screen. How the hell could Kevin know all of this? I suppose he could have accessed my records to get some of it, I probably told him some of it, people post shit on Facebook all the time, and he must have been taking notes.

This was not a casual joke, this was a planned prank, a researched prank, and it wasn’t funny.

10:36 AM “How do you know all of this, and why would you do this? Not funny, Kevin.” After a moment, “I know all of this because I collected them. I’m doing this because I have time to kill (see what I did there?), and while I’m not Kevin. You’re right, he’s rarely funny.”

10:37 AM “Fuck you, Kevin.”

Connected or not, I was pissed. After a moment, the screen came to life again.

“Mr. Johnson, your 3rd grade teacher, fell off a boat while fishing and drowned. You felt guilty because you didn’t like him and you were glad he died.

Your upstairs neighbor in your first apartment died but wasn’t found for a week. You swore you could still smell it a year later.”

No way. Kevin could not know all of this.

It felt crazy even as I typed it, but I replied, “So why do you have time to kill? Are you here to collect someone?”

I waited, but knew the response before it showed up on my screen.”

“You. I’m here to collect you. At 10:43”

10:38 AM Five minutes. While the logical part of my brain was still trying to calmly make sense of all this, it was losing the battle with the part of me that was panicking.

It had to be Kevin. Somehow he’s found stuff out. Hell, maybe he hired a private detective. Right now he was probably in a conference room projecting this conversation for a group of people who were all laughing at me.

I decided to throw him off of his game a bit.

“My high school girlfriend… Holly… sad story really… how did she die?”

“She’s hasn’t died yet. She’s married, lives in Fresno, has 4 kids, and wants to die, but it’s not her time yet. Nice try.”

10:39 AM “So, how will I go. How will you collect me?”

“You’ll have a heart attack. Sudden. No pain, no hope, no chance. It’s kind of my ‘go to’ move these days.”

10:40 AM “So,” I typed, “let me get this straight. In 3 minutes, I’ll drop dead of a heart attack. You’ll escort me to whatever happens after all of this?”

For the first time since this started, there was not an immediate response.

Finally, words formed on the screen. “Just a minute.”

I smiled. Fuck Kevin and his idea of funny. Fuck him and all the money and time he spent setting this up. And fuck the room full of people I was still imagining laughing at me from a conference room somewhere.

“I’m sorry. I’ve made a mistake. It’s not your time. Have a good day.”

A mistake? This was his big finish? A mistake?

I stared at the screen and thought about what to say. Finally, I typed, “How many more good days do I have?” It wasn’t much, but it made me chuckle, and maybe the people with Kevin would like it.

No response.

10:43 AM I stood and started to head for the break room for a refill on my coffee, and then to find Kevin. That's when I heard the scream.

I jogged down the hall to find a crowd gathering outside of Dave Miller’s office. As I joined the crowd I could see Dave’s assistant, Judy, crouched over his body. He was on the floor, his hand on his chest, but his body was already limp.

I heard someone calling an ambulance, and more to myself than anyone, I muttered, “Don’t bother. He’s had a heart attack. No pain, no hope, no chance.”

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u/SadDadClub avatar


u/MaliciousIntent21 avatar

new phone who dis?

YEEEES You're the worst.

fuck yessss <3

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u/ajay_peri avatar

It ain't wrong no. as the details of various incidences were correct :p Maybe both of them were wearing the same clothes?


"Sorry its the new iiPhone. Let me get the apple employees these days."


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I can imagine that little reaper helper with glasses whispering into Death's "ear": Lord, this is the wrong mortal.

Death: "Shut up Dave!"

Death goes through his old papirus... Shit.

u/crystalina1984 avatar


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Fucking death, these new millennial reapers, sheesh.

u/nooodleees avatar

Haven't you heard? Millennial are killing everything. Have some faith, please.

Nope. Time to erase it all lol

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It's al thees kemycalls yu old peapull pole luted r werld whiff iz wy we git cunfyoosed

Lol sorry about that. I guess 40 years on earth pouring chemicals and still dirt poor. Please don't tell my fight the power and commercialism gen x group.....

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u/crystalina1984 avatar

Nice one,lol.


Outsourced, hence the IM. That's what you get these days.

Oh wow I just looked at my phone and it's 1043 and I'm at the doctors office for chest pain. Thanks for the scare man.


I can picture the grim reaper using the wifi at Starbucks and reviewing his files when he says wait a minute and realizes his f-up.

Naturally, he was sipping a heavenly Pumpkin Spice latte.

u/Wicck avatar

Poor Alexander. It's just not his time.

I got really confused because I read that one yesterday too and thought I commented on the wrong story 😂

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I like pumpkin spice lattes..😃

Am I going to die soon? I'm 19

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Love this line: The combination of gravity and age pull her face down into an ever-present scowl.


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u/smulia avatar

As a thirty year old woman where it's showing the first signs of happening, it made me consider going back to black tar heroin.

u/BootzNpantz avatar

Right!? Occurred to me the other day that I just used to wear makeup to hide zits and dark circles, and that now I wear makeup to hide my entire face...

u/pickadillybeans avatar

Really? As a 32 year old woman, I've never felt sexier in my life.

u/SawseB avatar

do you know any 40+ women who like 20 year old guys?

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Please don't go back to that, if you ever need someone to talk to about it that's been there, feel free to PM me.

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u/totaliTARZAN avatar

Wear sunscreen, drink water, smile with your eyes and your ears, be a kind and pleasant person, stay away from drugs, smoking, and alcohol, get enough sleep, take care of your self, you'll be fine. We all age, but it doesn't have to end in a scowl.

u/BootzNpantz avatar

Great advice, about 15 years too late.


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u/BootzNpantz avatar

I don't disagree, but living a healthy lifestyle doesn't seem to suit me. I joined a gym last year and ended up with a torn meniscus and ACL half way through the third workout; a workout that was being closely supervised by a highly experienced trainer. I've sprained my ankles doing things as simple as walking down the street. And even if I ate a perfect diet, or even if I ate nothing at all, I'd still put on weight because of the amount of booze I consume.

I did quit smoking last year though and I don't do drugs so....not a total lost cause I suppose.

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Wonder if we can get our hands on some of the slime from the pebbles story


Best of luck to you in delaying the inevitable as long as you can.

u/crystalina1984 avatar

I liked that one myself.

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u/yaBoyBeans avatar

New phone who dis?

You beat me to it! :)

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u/Alic3_in_zombi3land avatar

I.. love... this.

What is the downvote for? I see so many positive comments getting downvoted?!! Not majorly so, but who the hell takes the time to downvote several positive comments a day per OP's experience ?

u/Alic3_in_zombi3land avatar

Probably some troll on here angry at life. Idk.

u/RogZombie avatar

Probably Kevin. Fuck that guy.

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u/SolomonGrumpyII avatar


u/Os07 avatar

Holy fuck this made me laugh a little too loud😂

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u/We_bare avatar

Grimm:"Damn it. My boss is gonna be pissed. 5th error this week......"

u/justalosergirl avatar

What if the actual mistake was 10:43 PM, not AM? Be prepared.


Death: oi mate, gonna kill you now You: new life who dis?


It was Light Yagami all along.

But if it was Light...


u/skyfullofstars_12 avatar

Somehow, I knew I'd find this here.

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u/Cleverbird avatar

Oooh, I just love how casual Death acts. Kinda makes me wonder why he even bothers doing this.

I'm picturing modern Death as working in the same kind of droll office as OP. Just as OP is casually corresponding to his coworkers and peers in a sort of disengaged manner, death is just sending a bunch of texts, IMs, and emails to the next customers. He's just lazily flipping through his contacts and picks the wrong dude. His performance evaluation will surely reflect.

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u/Wicck avatar

Poor Death. Ever since he figured out how to permanently disable the stupid little paperclip in MS Office, he's practically been sharpening his scythe on the wrong side.


Not sure how comfortable I feel knowing Death is apparently prone to mistakes.

New IM, who dis?

u/jbrancaleon avatar

Nice mind fuck. I needed that this morning. Thanks!

u/MaliciousIntent21 avatar

Just read this at my desk, in my office, in between reading e-mails. COME GET ME GR

u/longislandgirl03 avatar

Well done!!

Sike, that's the wrong number! In all seriousness though, how was it to talk to death... D B

u/addy_g avatar

why didn't that fucker take Kevin. god dammit Kevin.

So did this experience change you at all? Make ya enjoy life a little more or something?

u/smith12345678910 avatar

Dat mistake. Death should have checked the ID carefully

u/pickadillybeans avatar

Perhaps. To me, personally, anyone under 27 is a baby.

I wonder if death would make a FaceTime call, if so I don't know if I want that... probably just some emojis like 🕗⛏💀😵

"Dave Miller" is quite a familiar name, for some reason...

u/Ulikewatching avatar

Brilliant ! Glad it wasn't you.

u/usfkimmie avatar

It's 10:42 AM where I am right now.

Great story OP :)

Wow! What a scare haha

pretty interesting

u/heythatguyalex avatar

More please

u/Duzzeno avatar

Wow, love it. Any idea why the two of you were mixed up? Similar names, similar clothes, anything?

u/itsyaboytm avatar

Reminds me of an episode of the twilight zone

u/MrSkullBottom avatar

lol this was intense and hilarious at the same time. I love it!

u/AD270 avatar

Seems like the Grim Reaper is the talkative kind of guy.

u/valeristark avatar

I picture Norm McDonald as cartoon Death like family guy.

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u/happyjoyshit avatar

I love this. It's great.



u/cookiepampers avatar

That's not a very recommended way to get to know someone, Grim.

So good.

u/WiccanWitchOfTheWest avatar


Bro, light is really off his game telling people he's gonna kill them without getting anything in return.

u/Y00pDL avatar

This is brilliant.

I 'heard' this all in the voice of Discworld's Death.


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Man! GR is definitely not a grave guy. See what I did there? Had some time to kill.

u/Kronosfear avatar

I kinda wished the story hadn't taken that dark turn right in the middle, the part about the relatives who had died. I would have preferred the other side being "Kevin", maintaining a humorous tone and then getting the hammer dropped at the end. Just kinda made the ending predictable for me.

Nice one anyway.

new phone who dis

u/chutnay avatar


It's the illuminati