Top 20 Recent Romantic Movies ...


Top 20 Recent Romantic Movies ...
Top 20 Recent Romantic Movies ...

There are so many awesome RECENT ROMANTIC MOVIES I am dying to share with you! My fellow editors and I made a list of Top 20 Recent Romantic Movies you simply can't miss and believe me, you are up for a few best movie nights you ever had with this extensive list of most romantic movies that came out recently. To me, a truly romantic movie is one that makes me wish that I were the main character in the film, or one that makes me think about the movie long after I've watched it. And all these top 20 Recent Romantic Movies made me feel that way at some point in the last year or so! So check out this list of top recent romantic flicks and let us know which are your very favorites among Recent Romantic Movies!

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The Bounty Hunter ...

The Romantic Couple: Jennifer Aniston and Gerard Butler.
Released: 2010
Romantic Plot: You can always count on Jennifer Aniston to star in at least one of the most recent romantic movies. This one stars Butler as her character's ex-husband, and much to his delight, he gets to hunt down Nicole (Aniston) when she skips bail, leading to predictable mishaps and an inevitable reunion -- but it's still awfully cute.
Romantic Mood: Campy.
Where to Get This Recent Romantic Movie:


The Bounty Hunter is a 2010 romantic comedy starring Jennifer Aniston and Gerard Butler. Aniston's character, Nicole, is on the run from the law and her ex-husband, Milo (Butler), is hired to track her down. As they embark on a wild adventure, old feelings resurface and they must confront their unresolved issues. The movie offers a mix of humor and heartwarming moments, making it a popular choice for couples looking for a light-hearted romantic film. The chemistry between Aniston and Butler is undeniable, adding to the overall charm of the movie. The Bounty Hunter is available for purchase on


When in Rome ...

The Romantic Couple: Kristen Bell and Josh Duhamel.
Released: 2010
Romantic Plot: I couldn't help but like this recent romantic movie. Bell stars as Beth, who happens to steal coins from one of Rome's infamous love fountains, leading several men to fall in love with her -- but it's Duhamel she wants. This is sweet, but rather fluffy.
Romantic Mood: Campy, cute, romantic.
Where to Get This Recent Romantic Movie:
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In the romantic comedy "When in Rome," Kristen Bell and Josh Duhamel star as a couple who find themselves caught up in the magic of Rome's love fountains. The movie was released in 2010 and received mixed reviews, with some praising its campy and cute romantic vibe, while others criticized its fluffy plot. However, it remains a popular choice for fans of romantic comedies. The film can be found on and is a great choice for a lighthearted and fun movie night. So, grab some popcorn and get ready to swoon over the chemistry between Bell and Duhamel in this charming and humorous love story.


Beastly ...

The Romantic Couple: Alex Pettyfer and Vanessa Hudgens.
Released: 2011
Romantic Plot: Even though the ratings were awful, I was excited to see this movie. It's actually a really great take on the whole Beauty and the Beast premise, and it's one of many romantic flicks on this list that touts the importance of inner beauty over outer beauty.
Romantic Mood: Inspiring, uplifting.
Where to Get This Recent Romantic Movie:
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Beastly is a 2011 romantic movie starring Alex Pettyfer and Vanessa Hudgens. The movie received negative ratings but presents a refreshing take on the Beauty and the Beast story, emphasizing the importance of inner beauty. The romantic plot is inspiring and uplifting, making it a great pick for couples looking for a heartwarming movie. It is available on and can be enjoyed by those who appreciate a good romantic flick. Other recent romantic movies on the list include Crazy, Stupid, Love, The Fault in Our Stars, and Me Before You. These movies offer a range of romantic stories that are perfect for a cozy night in.


The Back-up Plan ...

The Romantic Couple: Jennifer Lopez and Alex O'Loughlin.
Released: 2010
Romantic Plot: JLo hasn't starred in a romantic comedy in a really long time. When it came out, the previews claimed it was the best rom-com of the year. I don't know about that, but I do love the way it shows the fairytale backwards -- first starting a family, then finding love. Its social relevance makes me love it!
Romantic Mood: Zany, funny, relevant.
Where to Get This Recent Romantic Movie:
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In "The Back-up Plan," Jennifer Lopez and Alex O'Loughlin star as a romantic couple who find love after starting a family. Released in 2010, the film received positive reviews for its zany and funny take on the fairytale romance. It also tackles social issues, making it relevant and relatable to audiences. This was JLo's first romantic comedy in a long time, adding to the excitement surrounding its release. The film is available on for those who want to watch it. Have you seen "The Back-up Plan?" Did you enjoy its unique and relevant approach to love and relationships?


Sex and the City 2 ...

Starring: Sarah Jessica Parker, Kim Cattrall, Kristin Davis, Cynthia Nixon, and Chris Noth.
Released: 2010
Romantic Plot: The second film wasn't nearly as great as the first, but it was still refreshing, and in this top recent romantic movie, just about everyone was having problems. For once, okay, Miranda had no issues with Steve, but Carrie and Big are suffering from Couch Syndrome, and Charlotte's worried that Harry's interested in the braless nanny.
Romantic Mood: Funny, effervescent; standard SATC.
Where to Get This Recent Movie:


Red Riding Hood ...

Starring: Amanda Seyfried, Shiloh Fernandez, Lukas Haas, and Max Irons.
Released: 2011
Romantic Plot: I was excited to see this too, even though it didn't go over quite as well as I thought. The cinematography is beautiful, and the story of Valerie, who is torn between Peter and Henry, is deeper than a mere love story.
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Romantic Mood: Dark, thrilling, gorgeous.
Where to Get This Recent Romantic Movie:
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In addition to the information provided in the paragraph, Red Riding Hood is a modern retelling of the classic fairy tale with a romantic twist. The film is set in a medieval village where a werewolf terrorizes the inhabitants, and Valerie must choose between her childhood friend Peter and the wealthy blacksmith Henry. The film received mixed reviews, with praise for its stunning visuals and dark atmosphere. It also explores themes of love, betrayal, and sacrifice. Red Riding Hood is available for purchase on and is a great choice for those looking for a romantic movie with a touch of fantasy and suspense.


Valentine's Day ...

Starring: Jessica Alba, Ashton Kutcher, Jessica Biel, Bradley Cooper, Eric Dane, Topher Grace, and tons of other A-listers.
Released: 2010
Romantic Plot: This recent romantic movie was so confusing, and yet I watch it every time I see it. On par with He's Just Not that into You, it stars seemingly hundreds of A-list celebs, so no one gets much screen time -- but the vignettes about love and relationships are stellar when you can muddle through.
Romantic Mood: Confusing.
Where to Get This Recent Romantic Movie:
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The Tourist ...

The Romantic Couple: Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp.
Released: 2010
Romantic Plot: I've been waiting for years for Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp to star together in a romantic movie like this. Depp plays Frank, a simple tourist from America who falls in with beautiful and mysterious Elise, leading to danger, trouble, and, of course, love.
Romantic Mood: Sexy, intriguing.
Where to Get This Recent Romantic Movie:
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Charlie St. Cloud ...

The Romantic Couple: Zac Efron and Amanda Crew.
Released: 2010
Romantic Plot: This may be the saddest entry on the list of top 20 recent romantic movies. It is so sad! Charlie (Efron) believes himself responsible for his brother's death, although his brother sticks around in ghostly form. History nearly repeats itself with Tess (Crew), and Charlie ends up having to say a very heartbreaking goodbye.
Romantic Mood: Heartbreaking.
Where to Get This Recent Romantic Movie:
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"Charlie St. Cloud" is a 2010 romantic drama film starring heartthrob Zac Efron and Amanda Crew. The film follows the heartbreaking story of Charlie, who blames himself for his brother's death and is visited by his ghost. When he meets Tess, played by Crew, history seems to repeat itself as he falls in love with her. However, their love is cut short and Charlie must say a heartbreaking goodbye. This movie is known for its emotional and heartbreaking plot, making it a popular choice for those looking for a good cry. It is available on for purchase.


How do You Know ...

Starring: Reese Witherspoon, Paul Rudd, and Owen Wilson.
Released: 2010
Romantic Plot: I'm a sucker for Paul Rudd, and Reese Witherspoon is one of my favorite actresses. In this tale, she has to choose between known excitement (Wilson) and something new (Rudd), leading her to realize that life doesn't always go the way you expect it.
Romantic Mood: Funny, thought-provoking.
Where to Get This Recent Romantic Movie:
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In this romantic comedy, Reese Witherspoon stars as a woman who must choose between two very different men - the exciting and unpredictable Owen Wilson, and the stable and dependable Paul Rudd. Released in 2010, this film explores the idea that love and life don't always go as planned, and that sometimes the unexpected can lead to the most fulfilling relationships. With a mix of humor and heart, this movie is perfect for a cozy night in with your significant other. You can find it on, and if you've already seen it, we're sure you'll agree that it's a must-watch for any romantic movie lover.


Letters to Juliet ...

Starring: Amanda Seyfried, Christopher Egan, Vanessa Redgrave, and Gael Garcia Bernal.
Released: 2010
Romantic Plot: This was such a sweet romantic movie, in part because it contains two love stories. Sophie (Seyfried -- why is she always named Sophie?) discovers letters written to Juliet, tracks down the recipient, and in spite of being engaged, winds up falling for this Juliet's grandson (Egan) while on the hunt for "Romeo."
Romantic Mood: Sweet, romantic.
Where to Get This Recent Romantic Movie:
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Eat Pray Love ...

Starring: Julia Roberts, Javier Bardem, and James Franco
Released: 2010
Romantic Plot: Through a divorce, an often humiliating with Franco, and a lot of soul-search, Liz (Roberts) travels the world, from Italy to India to Bali, where she finds -- and almost loses -- real, true love with Bardem. This movie is just so inspiring for those of us who want to change our loves but aren't sure how to begin.
Romantic Mood: Inspiring, deep.
Where to Get This Recent Romantic Movie:
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Eclipse ...

Romantic Triangle: Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, and Taylor Lautner
Released: 2010
Romantic Plot: Bella is left to make a choice between Edward and Jacob in the franchise's third film. Who will she choose? There are also lots of vampire fights. But overall, this movie is as romantic as it gets! Just love all the drama going on in this love triangle. Don't you?
Romantic Mood: Twilight-y.
Where to Get This Top Recent Romantic Movie:
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She's out of My League ...

The Romantic Couple: Jay Baruchel and Alice Eve.
Released: 2010
Romantic Plot: This belongs on the list of top recent romantic movies because it, too, has an unconventional main character, who nevertheless manages to snag the beautiful girl. When this first came out, I didn't think I'd like it at all, but it's actually quite inspiring!
Romantic Mood: Inspiring, funny.
Where to Get This Recent Romantic Movie:
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Going the Distance ...

Starring: Drew Barrymore, Justin Long, and Christina Applegate.
Released: 2010
Romantic Plot: This recent romantic movie is incredibly relevant, just because so many relationships are currently long distance -- or at least, they start that way. At time, Long and Barrymore were real life lovers, so a lot of the passion in the movie isn't necessarily acting.
Romantic Mood: Funny, relevant.
Where to Get This Recent Romantic Movie:
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Love & Other Drugs ...

The Romantic Couple: Jake Gyllenhaal and Anne Hathaway.
Released: 2010
Romantic Plot: This is such a good movie! Jake and Anne have chemistry out the box. There are sad spots and spots that make you laugh your butt off. It's steamy and sweet and shows a new facet on the same old love story.
Romantic Mood: Sad, romantic.
Where to Get This Recent Romantic Movie:
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Morning Glory ...

Starring: Rachel McAdams, Patrick Wilson, Diane Keaton, and Harrison Ford.
Released: 2010.
Romantic Plot: I love Rachel McAdams, so I was so excited to see this when it came out -- and I wasn't disappointed. McAdams plays Becky Fuller, whose professional life is as dead as her romantic life. However, a new job on the worst news show ever gives her a new lease on life -- and on love. An excellent recent romantic movie to watch with your friends!
Romantic Mood: Thoughtful, deep, and funny.
Where to Get This Recent Romantic Movie:
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Easy a ...

Starring: Emma Stone, Penn Badgley, Thomas Hayden-Church, Lisa Kudrow, Stanley Tucci, and Patricia Richardson.
Released: 2010
Romantic Plot: This is unquestionably one of the top recent romantic movies, and the great thing is, it's a romance relevant to the younger generation, as well. It's also a great twist on The Scarlet Letter, and sure to yet teens know the other side of the rumor mill. Emma Stone as Olive is amazing, and I love Tucci and Richardson as her parents!
Romantic Mood: Relevant, hilarious, thoughtful.
Where to Get This Recent Romantic Movie:
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Jane Eyre ...

The Romantic Couple: Mia Wasikowska and Michael Fassbender.
Released: 2011
Romantic Plot: This is a stunningly beautiful take on the classic story, and it brings Jane Eyre to a new generation. It's as sad as the novel and every other adaptation, and the cinematography is absolutely breathtaking. An absolute must-see among recent romantic movies.
Romantic Mood: Tragic, darkly romantic.
Where to Get This Recent Romantic Movie:
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Blue Valentine ...

The Romantic Couple: Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams.
Released: 2011
Romantic Plot: In addition to being highly provocative, even controversial, Blue Valentine is numero uno on our list of the top 20 recent romantic movies. From a promising start to an ill-fated collapse, the film follows the relationship between Dean and Cindy. You see them begin in their tens and ultimately end, far apart and unable to capture the magic. A beautiful story to watch.
Romantic Mood: Dark, moving, realistic.
Where to Get This Recent Romantic Movie:
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There you have it -- the Top 20 Recent Romantic Movies you simply must watch! 2010 and 2011 have been excellent years for romantic flicks, and there is a couple more on the way. I bet you haven't seen quite a few of these top recent romantic movies yet, so with which of these romantic movies you'd like to start? Do tell! :)

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

The movie Amelie is a cute quirky french movie

as soon as i saw twilight i stopped. i know some people really don't like people who hate twilight but really, there was no 'magic' in the novel at all. it was too typical and bella was just a stubborn picky bitch.

hi katie i watched 'definitely maybe' it was cool. i loved ya website m gonna try another one from dis site in a few days at a sleepover. bye

hello Katie, i AM Sucker of Romantic Comedies ,and few days back i saw Serendipity,and i though i had watched almost all the good ones and then i realized some how i missed few. That's how ,when i was searching for more romantic movies worth watching ,i found your website and i watched few of the movies recommended by you ,which i had missed to watch earlier and they where beautiful. I must thank You , I have still got few to be watched which have been said good by you. They are all lined up and i am watching one each evening . and i must say they make my evening so beautiful. Thats why i am writing to you. Your Movies make me laugh and cry both at the same time. Thank You for doing that .. keep doing it, i appreciate your work, like millions others. Keep Up the Good work. God Bless You. GAB

I really enjoy your page...because I like the romantic movies, but what happen?? the movies just are from a long time to 2008 but the 2009 en being of 2010!! please I´ll want to watch this kind of movies thank for every and the other movies like: someone like you or house in the lake ok. bye Sandy

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