BOOK REVIEW: Every female should read this book …

I don’t know if it would be possible to count all the jokes that have been made about how men don’t understand women.

However, there is something of great significance about men that women might think they understand, but most really don’t.

What is this big secret that women don’t get about men?

Well, it’s actually not a secret. What so many women often don’t really understand about men is this:


To that statement, many women are probably laughing and saying with a rolling of the eyes, “Oh, I already knew that!”

You may have “known” that as a stated fact, but do you really understand what that means for men?

Men were designed by God to be visual creatures, and that fact deeply impacts the lives of every male on the planet. Women will be able to better understand the men and boys (husbands, sons, brothers, co-workers, etc.) in their lives if they gain a real understanding about what “being visual” means for the male species.

That’s why I suggest that all females need to read the new book, “Through a Man’s Eyes: Helping Women Understand the Visual Nature of Men” by Shaunti Feldhahn and Craig Gross (published by Mulnomah Books).

Shaunti Feldhahn is a Harvard-trained Christian researcher whose writing I’m quickly becoming a fan of. Many people may know Craig Gross as a pastor and founder of, a ministry which helps those struggling with pornography. These two sharp minds and effective writers teamed up to write this book to specifically help women gain a truly insightful understanding about the visual nature of men.

They succeeded!

Feldhanhn and Gross help their readers understand the science and biology behind what it means for a man to be a visual creature. Achieving that task made this book very valuable in my estimation since, after providing clinical counseling for nearly three decades, I’ve seen up close and personal the difficulties that can arise in relationships over the reality of men being visual, and women not really understanding how that impacts the men in their lives.

By reading this book, many women will be shaken with what it really means that guys are visual, and the writers were ready for that shock to hit their readers. After helping women peel back the curtain and gain a look at the world through a man’s visual nature, they address how being visual is a blessing to men, but also some significant problems it often causes and how women can address those problems (such as men being susceptible to the visual lure of pornography). In fact, the book includes a FAQ section to help women with the questions that may arise from a deeper understanding of how being visual can impact the men in their lives.

You don’t have to tell a guy that men are visual, we ALL understand that! But even though the authors specifically target women as their audience for this book, I would also encourage men to read this book because I believe it can help men better understand the source of their visual nature (and you’ll know what the authors are telling the women in your life!).

Ladies, if you really want to understand the guys in your life, you need the insights this book can equip you with, so go get it!


I received this book free from the publisher in exchange for this review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”