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DTE Energy is partnering with Detroiters Working for Environmental Justice to give qualifying customers energy saving LED light bulbs, ENERGY STAR certified refrigerators to replace their old, inefficient models... and just added, to test and tune furnace!

A new refrigerator could be just a form away if you:

1. Are a DTE Energy electric customer in good standing
2. Own a refrigerator that was manufactured before 2000 or meets a minimum inefficiency level
3. Meet income eligibility requirements (see table)

To test and tune your furnace, you:
1. Are a DTE Energy gas customer in good standing
2. Meet income eligibility requirements (see table)

Don't delay! The supply of refrigerators is limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis. Income eligibility does not guarantee participation in the Energy Efficiency Assistance Program.

To apply, fill out this form and a representative will contact you.

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Eligibility requirements table (net)
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