Lakewood Singles

Make dating fun again with Lookup Singles, the premier dating site where you'll meet Lakewood singles that are looking to date in your neighborhood.

Find single women and men from Singles in California including Lakewood and nearby cities, Bellflower (2 miles), Artesia (3 miles), Paramount (2 miles), Cerritos (3 miles), Signal Hill (3 miles), Hawaiian Gardens (3 miles), Norwalk (4 miles), Los Alamitos (4 miles), East Rancho Dominguez (4 miles), La Palma (5 miles), Compton (5 miles), Downey (5 miles), Cypress (6 miles), Long Beach (6 miles), Santa Fe Springs (7 miles), Lynwood (6 miles), Seal Beach (7 miles), Cudahy (7 miles), Buena Park (7 miles), Bell Gardens (7 miles), Willowbrook (8 miles), La Mirada (8 miles), Carson (8 miles), South Whittier (8 miles), West Rancho Dominguez (8 miles), South Gate (8 miles), Bell (9 miles), Pico Rivera (9 miles), West Whittier-Los Nietos (9 miles), Stanton (8 miles), West Carson (9 miles), Maywood (9 miles).

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Results are based on a radius search of Lakewood, California with a Lakewood center lookup of:
Candlewood St, Lakewood, California, 90712, United States

Lakewood Singles Bar

Singles in California
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Singles in Lakewood

There are approximately 276 registered profiles from Lakewood. Including surrounding areas of Bellflower, Artesia, Paramount, Cerritos, Signal Hill, Hawaiian Gardens, Norwalk, Los Alamitos, East Rancho Dominguez, La Palma, Compton, Downey, Cypress, Long Beach, Santa Fe Springs, Lynwood, Seal Beach, Cudahy, Buena Park, Bell Gardens, Willowbrook, La Mirada, Carson, South Whittier, West Rancho Dominguez, South Gate, Bell, Pico Rivera, West Whittier-Los Nietos, Stanton, West Carson, Maywood, there are over 6,037 members and growing every day.