
New York City’s tribute to slain Detective Brian Moore

As of last Friday, the corner of 222nd Street and 92nd Avenue, outside the 105th Precinct in Queens Village, is known as “Detective 1st Grade Brian Moore Way.”

It’s a fitting tribute to Moore, killed while working undercover at age 25.

He and his partner had driven up to Demetrius Blackwell after spotting a suspicious object in his waistband. Moore, at the wheel of the unmarked car, asked Blackwell if he had something in his waist. Blackwell whipped out a gun and fired at the officers — hitting Moore twice in the face.

“Detective Brian Moore exemplified the best of our police force,” proclaimed Mayor de Blasio. “A brave and selfless young man who gave his life while working to protect all of ours.

“New York’s Finest face unspeakable dangers each day — yet in the face of violence, Detective Moore responded to the call with no hesitation. Our city is safer and stronger because of police officers like Brian Moore, and we will forever be indebted to his family.”

His was a family of cops, including his father, a retired NYPD sergeant. And Brian Moore was not only a courageous officer, but a damn fine one, racking up more than 150 arrests in five years.

Moore was one of four of New York’s Finest killed on the job in the last year. Let us pray there are no more.