Words that have Gone Out of Vocabulary

As a writer, one of the biggest changes during my process of “Ascension” has been my vocabulary. The new age community has created a whole new dictionary of words to attempt to describe this very natural and innate process that goes beyond words.

As a community that desires to share this experience, we do need to use words to express ourselves. The interesting thing I’ve noticed is how those words continue to evolve for me as I evolve. While I was recently editing some poetry I wrote a few years ago, I noticed a few particular words that no longer resonate with me.

I realize how conscious I have become of the energy of words. I have to sit with my words and “feel” into them to find resolution. I can not push the “publish” button until I am fully at peace with the energy of each of the words I have written.

As one would expect, the word “God” is one of the words I had to resolve within my self. Because it’s a word that evokes so many different emotions within people, I’ve hesitated to use it. I’ve played with lots of different substitutions, words such as Source, Universe, and….. wow, I can’t even remember all the others because they have slipped out of my vocabulary to the point I can not recall them.

What I finally realized is that the word itself is not as important as the clarity of the consciousness within me. I ask you to re-read that sentence and sit with it for a moment. The word itself is not as important as the clarity of the consciousness within me.

Words are neutral. It’s the energy we project with our words that affect other people. It’s also the energy with which we hear a word that affects us. Most humans are totally unconscious of their constant chatter. Thus all they are projecting is unconscious noise. There are others, like religion, the media or the new age community, who consciously use words to influence people.

Most of my writing is a personal dialogue between my human self and my GodSelf to gain clarity within me. I have finally settled upon a self-created word: GodSelf. Because I know I AM God in human form expressing as my unique Self. By using a self-created word I’m bypassing all the antiquated energies attached to the word God.

As I’ve moved through the process of my Embodied Enlightenment, there are many words that have gone out of my vocabulary because they no longer resonate with me.

Two of those words are pain and suffering. You won’t find me writing about pain or suffering because I don’t resonate with the need to suffer in order to learn, grow, or expand my consciousness. They were useful experiences in awakening me to the truth of who I now know my Self to be. But they are no longer part of my reality. I have discovered much easier ways to learn and there are no badges handed out at the pearly gates for those who suffer the most.

When I used to read posts on facebook about pain and suffering I often felt the energetic seduction pulling my human self into these old emotional dramas. Especially if I was in a void space after having let go of old programing or beliefs. The human likes to fill all that emptiness with drama and emotions in order to feel alive.

Indeed, I have compassion for pain and suffering. But compassion does not require me to join you in your suffering. Otherwise, there would be nothing but suffering in this world. Compassion is our ability to see the passion of love and joy and say, come this is the way home.

Therefore, words like compassion have been redefined. And the words pain and suffering have slipped out of my vocabulary, replaced with words like well-being and thriving.

Other words that have slipped out of my vocabulary are new age words used by specific groups. Indeed they are useful within the group. But I’ve never been a group person. I occasionally play in groups, but I have always followed my own inner compass.

Consequently, I expect my truth and vocabulary to continue to change as I continue to expand my consciousness. But instead of my vocabulary expanding, it has continued to simplify. I don’t need new age words to converse for they too are going out of vocabulary as fast as new ones are coming in. Instead, much like the rest of my life, my vocabulary continues to become more simple, wise, and heart-based. Therein I place my troth.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice“

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4 thoughts on “Words that have Gone Out of Vocabulary

  1. Thank you so much for sharing your words of wisdom…I truly appreciate you.❤️


  2. Godself, I like that. That can work for religious and non-religious people.
    You are so right about the energy of words. Almost none of them matter to me anymore. They are just ways to communicate, not ways of being. Thank you for all you do!

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