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Megan Fox The Ellen DeGeneres Show Interview and Photos

Feared Turning 30, "I Should Just Give Up"

Megan Fox is making the most of her 20s while she still can.

The New Girl guest star turns 30 on May 16, and it's not an age she's particularly excited to be. When Ellen DeGeneres brought it up on her eponymous daytime talk show Tuesday, she sensed the actress' trepidation. "Why are you making the face?" she asked. "Is that a problem?"
"It's not a problem," Fox said about getting older. "When you're young, that sounds so old. When you're in high school or even when you're in your early 20s, it still sounds like, 'By the time I'm 30, I should just give up.' What's the point of going on at that age?'" she explained to the host. "And then you turn 30 –I'm turning 30 later this year—you don't feel any older at all."
"I agree with you," DeGeneres said, "because when I was younger, I would think somebody 50, 60 years old was, you know, just like..."

"In a hospice?" Fox asked.

"I'm just saying!" she added. "When you're young, that's what you think."

"I wouldn't go that far," DeGeneres said, "but certainly close to going to a hospice, yes."
After discussing Fox's guest arc on Fox's New Girl, in which she plays a pharmaceutical sales rep who once dated Hannah Simone's character, DeGeneres asked the actress about her kimono collection. "I have a few drawers full," Fox said. "I don't know exactly how many that is...My kids love it, especially Noah. He finds that to be a very magical thing when I float down the stairs in my silk kimono. He's very taken by that, and that's sort of an image I like to brand into him."
DeGeneres gifted her with a kimono with the words "FOXY MAMA" emblazoned on the back.
Consider it an early 30th birthday present. (E-online)

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