Arriving at the very first stop on our Italian road trip ended up being much later than we’d anticipated. Between the stops everywhere for photos and general tomfoolery, we ended up arriving around 9.30 pm. At this point, all I could think was “I hope Italian restaurants are open till quite late” (I kinda thought … Continue Reading

Exciting news!!! We’re off to explore Italy for a week with nothing but a backpack and a rickshaw! 🙂 It’s very unlike anything else we’ve done before and we’re very excited about it! Bravofly (which is part of the group) set us a challenge to see how much of Italy we could cover – … Continue Reading

First off, 24 hours is too little time to spend in the Amalfi coast. That being said, we decided we would give it our very best shot while on our road trip across Italy. It was our final stop in our rickshaw afterall. As with every other day, we arrived in the middle of the … Continue Reading

As I type this, I am quite literally knackered and just about ready to fall asleep but I had to update you quickly with some photos on what we’ve been up to so far on our road trip across Italy. Needless to say, the proper blog posts will come soon but I’m guessing you’re as … Continue Reading

As much as I would love to take credit for deciding that this is indeed one of the most dramatic cities in Europe, other people did this way ahead of me and a trip to this city only further corroborated that designation. Orvieto truly is something else! The city is built on almost vertical cliffs … Continue Reading

Some days are just made for throwing away the rule book and seeing where your restless feet will take you… Or in our case, our tiny rickshaw. Back in our place in Rome, we’d met up with some of the others doing the rickshaw challenge and we decided to stick together for part of the route. … Continue Reading

We arrived in Florence ridiculously late. We’d been so distracted by San Miniato (and that sunset) and ended up spending a few hours winding through the Tuscan mountains in the dark until we got to our hotel for the night. It was pretty cold up in the mountains and suddenly, the t-shirt and shorts combo … Continue Reading

I’ve wanted to take this trip across Italy for quite a while and one of the grand ideas I had about it before we finally went on the trip was about driving through Tuscany! Those rolling hills went hand it in hand with daydreams of myself eating as much pizza and gelato as I could … Continue Reading

Over the course of the past year, we’ve not so secretly been gigging as guest blogger for Bravofly. It has been so much fun writing for this amazing company and even better still when they sent us on the trip of a lifetime across Italy this year on a 3-wheeled rickshaw! I’d so wanted to do … Continue Reading

Montepulciano was one of the best finds on our trip across Italy. It was one of those places we decided to pop into just a few minutes before we set off for the day and it was such a brilliant call. Even before we hit the town itself, it was nigh impossible not to stop … Continue Reading

After all, the world is your oyster and there are adventures just waiting to be had out there! Let’s get started! 1.) Go on Safari in Kruger National Park I can’t recommend this enough – even if you’re not the nature buff, the idea of being stood (albeit in a jeep) right next to a lion/cheetah/giraffe/elephant … Continue Reading