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Volume 3, Issue 6, June – 2018 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Factors Cause of Kingpost Structure in the Work of

Column Basement Science
(Case Study of Indonesia Project 1)
Agus Suroso, Erry Rimawan, Windi Agus Saputro

Abstract:- In the current construction services business line, fraud disaster.

activities, service users are increasingly innovative with
This research is aimed to discuss the factors causing
the use of construction methods. This they do in addition
the rise of the slope of the kingpost structure which resulted
to reduce production costs (project implementation
in the design change of the structure of the basement column
costs), is also done to speed up construction time. One
of the Indonesian project 1. With the hope of the results of
method of construction implementation used is the
this study can be used as reference material for the same
topdown method. Topdown method is a method that has
work in the future. The consideration in this research is due
not been widely used in Indonesia. In the Indonesian
to the extent of slope on the kingpost structure and the
Project 1, the system of basement work performed using
design change of basement column structure.
topdown method. The topdown method uses the kingpost
structure as the main structure of temporary column
replacement. The kingpost structure has a function to
hold the floor load above it in order to continue the work
The research method is the flow of thought taken in
of the floor structure underneath. In the implementation
determining the method analysis of this research. A process
of contractors encountered many problems, one of which
for solving problems based on facts obtained from the field.
is the tilt of kingpost structure that impact on design
In this research problem its application is using quantitative
changes, design changes in this case is the magnification
research method.
of the dimensions of the basement column structure. The
purpose of this research is to find the variables that
Quantitative research is factual research, free of
cause the slope of kingpost structure in the project with
prejudice using principles of analysis, using hypotheses,
the implementation system using the topdown method,
using objective measures and using quantitative data
determine the most dominant variable that affect the
quantized. Quantitative data data is expressed in the form of
slope of kingpost structure in Indonesian Project 1 –
numbers let nominal data ie data classification or
Jakarta Pusat.
categorization that shows a certain level or description.
The research method used in this research is a
quantitative descriptive approach with questionnaires
distributed to respondents in this case is a competent
The research data was collected in three stages through
source and directly related to the topic being discussed.
the distribution of questionnaires whose variables have been
From result of research got 12 factor which become determined. The first stage is the validation of expert
cause of slope of kingpost structure. After analyzing research in the field of construction. Having obtained the
using SPSS vs.20 software, there are 4 most dominant variables that have been approved by the expert, the second
factors such as: Skill from unpopular workforce, work stage of data collection is the distribution of questionnaires
tool reading error, weather condition condition, and to the construction executor to obtain the impact of the
coordination among deviations that do not work well. variable. Data obtained in phase two were analyzed using
statistical calculations and program assistance like SPSS V.
I. INTRODUCING 20 so as to get the biggest factor ranking cause the slope of
kingpost structure. The third stage of data collection is the
The slope of the kingpost structure raises the problem final validation of the variables obtained from the analysis to
of basement column structure work. This is certainly not the expert to get input / comments on the impact of these
expected by the contractor and owner. There are many variables on the slope of the kingpost structure. More details
factors affecting the slope of the kingpost structure. Among are explained in the following sections.
them are the factors of its human resources, tools or
machinery, as well as the implementation and supervision at A. First Stage Data Collection
the time of execution of the worker installation of the Spreading of the first stage questionnaire is a step to
kingpost structure. According to Park (1979) cited in the validate the variables contained in the questionnaire by
Journal of Civil Engineering by Idzurnida Ismail and Junaidi experts in the field of construction who have extensive
(2014), the failure of contractors in the implementation of experience and knowledge. Experts provide comments agree
construction projects in this case the kingpost structure often or disagree and response to research variables. The output
occurs due to factors incompetenci, lack of managerial obtained from the validation of the expert in the form of
experience, urbalanced experience, lack experience in the changes in writing sentences, adding variables and the

IJISRT18JU151 86
Volume 3, Issue 6, June – 2018 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
reduction of variables that are considered irrelevant to the structure is often the rain that interfere with the
purpose of the study. implementation process.
10. Work instructions or work directions that are not
B. Second Stage Data Collection delivered properly. Lack of training to the construction
The second stage of data collection is the team how to instruct or deliver work.
dissemination of questionnaires to the respondents who are 11. Lack of understanding of work methods and
competent and experienced at least 3 years in the field of procedures that are not executed correctly. The lack of
construction. Questionnaire distributed as many as 30 socialization conducted by the team engginer to the
pieces. construction team made the supervisor wrong in the
installation procedure of the kingpost structure.
C. Test Instrument Research 12. Coordination between divisions that did not go well
The research instrument test is conducted to test during the execution of the job of installing the kingpost
whether the result of the questionnaire that has been structure. Coordination meetings are not carried out
collected is valid and correct data. The instrument test in this routinely.
study using SPSS Version 20, validity test, reliability test,
multiple linear regression analysis, f test and t test. From 12 factors causing the slope of kingpost structure
obtained four dominant factors causing the slope of kingpost
IV. CONCLUSION structure of Indonesia's construction project 1.

From the result of the research, there are 12 factors  Skill of the workforce that has not been qualified. Due
causing the slope of the kingpost structure on the work of to the absence of training on the workforce.
the structure of the project basement column of Indonesia 1:  There was an error reading while using the work tool
(auto level dan total station) on the installation of the
1. Limitations of the number of skilled laborers in the kingpost structure. In this case fully the responsibility
execution of the installation work of the kingpost of the surveyor team.
structure. In this case due to lack of preparation to plan  The presence of weather conditions, natural
how many experts are needed. disturbances that hamper work activities. At the time of
2. Skills / skills (skill) of the workforce that has not execution of the installation of kingpost structure is
qualified. Due to the absence of training on the often the rain that interfere with the implementation
workforce. process.
3. Lack of experience from human resources / staff in the  Coordination between divisions that did not go well
implementation of the work of installing kingpost. Due during the execution of the work of the kingpost
to the lack of training of staff owned. structure. Coordination meetings are not carried out
4. Limitations of the number of experts in the direction routinely.
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