マグロウヒル・エデュケーション@ 教育IT ソリューションズEXPO 2018
McGraw-Hill Education @ EDIX2018

16-18 May, Tokyo International Exhibition Centre
(Tokyo Big Sight)

Date: 21st Sept 2018 (Fri)
Venue: Radisson Blu Plaza Bangkok

4th Floor Grand Ballroom
489 Sukhumvit Road
(Soi 27), Klongtoey Nua, Wattana, Bangkok, 10110
Tel: + 66 2 302 3333

Registration Fee: THB 6,500 + 455 (VAT) = THB 6,955
Early Bird Rate: THB 5,500 + 385 (VAT) = THB 5,885 (**Apply from now until September 6th, 2018**)

Dr. Vasquez has been a classroom teacher, district science specialist for Mesa Public Schools, adjunct professor of science education at Arizona State University, and director of professional development and outreach ASU’s Center for Research on Education in Science, Mathematics, Engineering and Technology (CRESMET). She joined the Helios Education Foundation in 2008 and in 2015 transitioned into a private Science and STEM Education Consulting role. She also serves as the Senior STEM Education Consultant for ASU’s International Development and Knowledge Enterprise Development and The Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College’s Center for Advanced Global Education.

A recognized leader and author in Science and STEM Education, Dr. Vasquez is the Past President of the National Science Teachers Association, and the National Science Education Leadership Association, she was a Presidential Appointee to the National Science Board, the governing board of the National Science Foundation, becoming the first and only K-12 educator to ever hold a seat on this prestigious board.

Her distinguished service and extraordinary contributions to the advancement of science education at the local, state and national levels has won her numerous awards: the 2014 National Science Education Leadership Award for Outstanding Leadership in Science Education. 2013 National Science Board Public Service Award, and the 2006 “Robert H. Carlton Award” for Leadership in Science Education, NSTA highest award. She has also received, the “Distinguished Service to Science Education Award” the “Search for Excellence in Elementary Science Education and Supervision Award” the 2007 New York Academy of Science’s “Willard Jacobson Award” for major contribution to the field of science education and was the 2004 NALEO (National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials) honoree for her contributions to improving education. A graduate of Northern Arizona University, Jo Anne holds a Bachelor of Science in Biology, a Masters in Early Childhood Education and a PhD in Curriculum and Instruction.

D. J. West is a National Director of Professional Learning with McGraw-Hill Education. He has spent 25 years in science and math education as a teacher, Dean of Students, Principal, adjunct faculty in Biology at Schoolcraft College and as the Senior Naturalist at the Belle Isle Nature Center. He developed the Achieve program for helping at risk high school students graduate through intervention and alternative programs to meet their specific needs.

In his current capacity D.J. works with the National Curriculum Specialist Team at McGraw-Hill Education coaching these professional educators in presentation and technology skills as they impact districts across the country in K-12 Core Disciplines. In addition, he also travels nationally and internationally conducting workshops and in-service presentations for teachers in middle school and high school. He has created and delivered professional workshops on the regional, state and national level for science, math, and health, technology and best practices in education.

Topic: STEM is to Education, as Coffee is to Starbucks! Real World, Relevant and Grounds for Perfect Integration (An Introduction to STEM and STEM Best Practices)
Science and math provide the main “ingredients” to help students learn about the world around them – to answer questions, solve problems, and construct explanations. Science and Math are the anchors for developing interdisciplinary STEM instruction, just as coffee is the main ingredient for Starbucks. This session will explore how easy it is to use science and math as the main ingredients in the STEM instructional recipe.

Topic: STEM Experiences to Engage and Excite Your Students
After the best practices, we will do a STEM project together that is tailored for primary school students. This hands-on project will give teachers insight into making connections with how STEM can be easily implemented in the classroom.

Topic: “Scenarios” engage students in relevant STEM experiences. Experience how creating scenarios enhance your STEM Units
A key guidepost of the W.H.E.R.E. STEM Lesson Planning Model, is for teachers to engage students in rigorous and relevant STEM learning experiences by using “engaging scenarios” that set up the authentic role, audience, problems and the "driving question" for students to solve. These scenarios set the context for the integration of STEM disciplines in critical thinking situations. In this session, participants will experience in a hands-on authentic way how the guideposts can be used for planning effective STEM units by focusing on authentic and relevant scenarios. Participants will look at examples of scenarios that set up STEM leaning experiences, and will have an opportunity to create their own!

Topic: The NGSS Science and Engineering Practices, An “8-point booster shot” for Inquiry
Interactive, hands-on workshop helps clarify the shift in thinking from using the catch-all word “inquiry” to establishing an understanding of the practices as a central framework for our science instruction.

Topic: Effective Strategies and Approaches for Developing Your Own STEM Lessons and Units
Developing STEM Lessons and Units using your own curriculum and standards you are already teaching is an effective and efficient way to implement STEM Teaching and Learning into your classroom. This session will provide a researched based proven approach to get you started on your implementation journey.

Topic: STEM is to Education, as Coffee is to Starbucks! Real World, Relevant and Grounds for Perfect Integration (An Introduction to STEM and STEM Best Practices)
Science and math provide the main “ingredients” to help students learn about the world around them – to answer questions, solve problems, and construct explanations. Science and Math are the anchors for developing interdisciplinary STEM instruction, just as coffee is the main ingredient for Starbucks. This session will explore how easy it is to use science and math as the main ingredients in the STEM instructional recipe.

Topic: Experiencing a STEM Project
After the best practices we will do a STEM project. This is based off of the Apollo 13 mission and will give the teachers insight into making connections with how STEM can be done in the classroom.

Topic: Types of Activities to Develop STEM in the Classroom
After having experienced the STEM project we will look at and experience different ways to integrated STEM into the classroom. We will look at 8-10 examples of different types of STEM activities – Case Studies, Thought Problems, Virtual Labs, Simulations, etc. The purpose of this segment is to encourage teachers not just to do this through projects but to look at ways to incorporate STEM throughout the teaching.

Topic: Evaluating STEM Resources
During this hour we will look at a number of free resources that are available online. One of the issues for teachers is having great resources to incorporate STEM. We will look at sources of projects, case studies, virtual labs, etc. During this session we will explore what’s available in.

Topic: Developing a STEM Unit with collaboration of the Math and Science Teacher
The point of this session will be to take the learning from the first part of the day and start to put it all together. I would like to pair up the group in math and science groups to look at developing a unit integrating STEM. We will also reflect on how the math and science teachers can work together in this process.

Please complete the form below to register for the workshop

Participants will receive:

  •  A Certificate of Attendance
  • Workshop Materials
  • Eco Bag
  • 20% discount coupon on books or digital products
  • Special gifts for Prize draw
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McGraw-Hill Education respects your privacy. We use your contact information to fulfill your request, service your account, and to provide you with additional information from McGraw-Hill Education (Asia). View our McGraw-Hill Education Customer Privacy Policy at www.mheducation.com/privacy. You can email us at for email unsubscription, or follow the instructions below.

Copyright 2019 McGraw-Hill Education

1. Thinking Globally about Curriculam Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education 談108課綱裡的國際思維

Sub-theme: How do we flip our classrooms with 12-year basic education curricula by applying revolutionary trends of education

Presenter: Ms. Judy Wu 吳芳蕙老師

2. Phenomena Based Learning and its Relevance to Learning and Teaching 現象式教學創造教學相長雙贏局面

Sub-theme: Let's make our learners active creators by:
- Bringing project based learning to life in the classroom of science.
- Developing critical thinkers with the skill of close reading for social studies.
- Utilizing learning science and adaptive learning in Math.

Presenter: Mr. Royston Tan

English teacher in middle schools, member of RemoteCampTW Program, Lecturer of DreamK12cc, Coordinator of Foreign English Teacher Recruitment Program

Specializing in both TESOL and Intercultural Communication Education for her MA and PhDs when at Ulseter and Durhum University, Judy has always devoted her passion into renovating educational environment for the next generations. With such a belief, she has been cultivating opportunities that could enhance the development of international teachers over the past decades. If you are one of the teachers who believe in the changes that education could bring, come and get inspired by her!

Learning Solutions Manager, K-12 School & ELL Asia, McGraw-Hill Asia

For more than 17 years, Royston dedicated to the field of education by working for several world renowned education publishers and has played various roles in education across Asia. This has provided him the opportunity to take a macroscopic view of education for the next generations. Since 2008, he has been driving consultion and implementation of digital & adaptive learning solutions in a wide variety of subject areas ranging from ELT, Math, Science & Management. He has conducted numerous focus groups, department workshops as well as hands-on teacher training & implementation, centered around the successful delivery of blended learning solutions to both public and private schools in Asia. This April, he is coming to Taiwan with his zest for a revolutionary mission to meet with and empower passionate educators to create endless possibilities!


Fee: Complimentary
We welcome any participants working in English Schools, International Schools or Institutes (involving in international education fairs), as well as educators who are interested in American Education System. 



Kaohsiung City 高雄市
Date: 20th April 2019 (Sat)
Time: 9.00am - 12.00pm
National Science and Technology Museum 國立科學工藝博物館 研習教室S203
Rm S203, No. 727 , Jiouru 1st Road, Sanmin Dist., Kaohsiung City
高雄市三民區九如一路 797 號
Taichung City 台中市
Date: 20th April 2019 (Sat)
Time: 13.30pm - 16.30pm
Fong-Yi Business Center 301 豐邑都心市政中心
Rm. 301, No. 386, Shizheng Rd., Xitun Dist., Taichung City
台中市西屯區市政路386號 301教室
Taipei City 台北市
Date: 21st April 2019 (Sun)
Time: 13.30pm - 16.30pm
Gis NTU Convention Center集思會議中心 洛克廳
Rm LOCKE, B1F., No. 85, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City
From Our Schools to the World  從學校的教學核心直接通往世界

How can we get prepared for the launch of the 12-Year Basic Education Curricula?

This exclusive summit is organized jointly by Bookman and McGraw-Hill. The main highlight will be brainstorming into how our schools may transform and how bilingual / international schools in Taiwan may evolve by obtaining the key to unlock next generations’ learning potential!

Join us for this half day event to gain more insights as well as having the opportunity to network with fellow peers in the same industry.

Featuring special guest speaker, Judy Wu (who is one of the most influential English teachers at the front line of Taiwan) and McGraw-Hill speaker, Royston Tan (who has many years of experience in the education industry in Asia).



Kaohsiung City 高雄市
09:00-09:15 Registration
09:15-10:00 Thinking Globally about Curriculam Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education


Judy Wu
10:00-10:15 Tea Break
10:15-11:40 Phenomena Based Learning and its Relevance to Learning and Teaching


Mr. Royston Tan
11:40-12:00 Q & A
Taichung City 台中市
13:30-13:45 Registration
13:45-14:30 Thinking Globally about Curriculam Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education


Judy Wu
14:30-14:45 Tea Break
14:45-16:10 Phenomena Based Learning and its Relevance to Learning and Teaching


Mr. Royston Tan
16:10-16:30 Q & A
Taipei City 台北市
13:30-13:45 Registration
13:45-14:30 Thinking Globally about Curriculam Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education


Judy Wu
14:30-14:45 Tea Break
14:45-16:10 Phenomena Based Learning and its Relevance to Learning and Teaching


Mr. Royston Tan
16:10-16:30 Q & A
*Registration for all venues are filled up.

For enquiries, please contact:
Taipei: 02-23687299#112
Taichung: 04-23763799
Kaohsiung: 07-2290300