Memory Pockets Monthly: TIMELESS

Memory Pockets Monthly: TIMELESS

Memory Pockets Monthly: TIMELESS

TIMELESS is a word we often associate with fashion or design or anything that doesn't "go out of style". TIMELESS things seemingly transcend time and space. They "always look good" to us or can "go with anything". They are versatile, classic. Reliable and relatable. TIMELESS-ness has a part to play in our personal stories as well. The TIMELESS things are our own truths that reveal themselves throughout our plot, time and again, regardless of when or where. Our TIMELESS things are usually our "whys". They are our loves. The things and people we can count on. The feelings we have for our relationships. What is TIMELESS in your story? What are the things that span across your ages? TIMELESS contains: 24 - 3x4 cards in both vertical and horizontal orientation, including many alternate colorways; 4 - 4x4 cards; 6 - 4x6 cards in both vertical and horizontal orientation; 89 elements; cut files, 1 alpha in 7 colors; 1 template and 12 solid papers. This kit is also available by SUBSCRIPTION!

Our Price: $14.99

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Quantity 1 set of digital files. Download Size: 236.65MB
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