Pakistan capable of giving 'befitting' reply to Indian aggression: Army chief

Army chief says countrymen need not worry about provocative Indian statements

Web Desk June 04, 2015

ISLAMABAD: Army chief General Raheel Sharif on Thursday said the country is capable of responding to all forms of aggression from India, Express News reported. 

“We know how to respond befittingly to any aggression from India,” the army chief said, adding that there is no need to worry about anything that India says.

Talking to journalists after the joint session of Parliament, the army chief said the law and order situation of the country would continue to improve. The statement comes a day after the army chief said Kashmir and Pakistan are inseparable.

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On Wednesday, the army chief described the festering dispute over the Himalayan region as an ‘unfinished agenda’ of the 1947 partition in a strong rejoinder to a flurry of provocative statements emanating from India.

“While we wish peace and stability in the region, we want Kashmir’s just resolution in light of the UN resolutions and as per the aspirations of the Kashmiris to bring lasting peace in the region,” Gen Raheel said in a speech at the National Defence University in Islamabad.

His statement came against the backdrop of rising tensions between the two nuclear-armed arch-nemeses as a result of the recent controversial statements by Indian cabinet ministers and officials.

Read: Rejoinder to India: Pakistan, Kashmir inseperable, says Raheel

The public admission by Indian Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar that New Delhi would ‘neutralise terrorists through terrorists’ has particularly prompted strong reaction from Islamabad. The army chief also joined civilian leaders to hit back at India saying that they would not allow ‘proxies’ by other countries to destabilise Pakistan.

Read: Doubts confirmed: Indian defence minister’s comments shock Sartaj

“While our enemies are supporting terrorism to stoke sub-conventional conflicts and destabilise our country, we are fully determined and capable of defeating their nefarious designs,” he was quoted as saying by the military’s media wing, the ISPR.


A Peshawary | 9 years ago | Reply @Dan: @Tony Singh: You Indian were never the told real stories by your leaders and media. AJK was won in a war during 48; in 65 Ferozpur railway station and Khaim Karan were conquered by Pakistan. The Indian general,s dream of having victory toast in Lahore was befittingly tarnished by a brave army. You Indian were never taught history correctly. East Pakistan was a different story the War was not won by Indian but by brave East Pakistanis against a corrupt and incompetent government where as the Indian army manipulated the situation as these cowards could not dare to cross into West Pakistan. Do not forget the response you are continuously getting on the LOC on daily basis. A Peshawary
Insaaf | 9 years ago | Reply Yay !!! lets buy more American/Chinese weapons and support their economies while we destroy the future of our children. I fully support military and armies. We dont need a future, we need more weapons!
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