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Tuesday, July 08, 2014

VIDEO - Illegal Immigrant Children Have Lice So Bad ‘They Can Be Seen Crawling Down’ Their Faces (Video)

Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, July 7, 2014, 9:38 PM

Todd Starnes told Sean Hannity on FOX News tonight that the illegal immigrant children held at Lackland Air Force base in Oklahoma are bringing diseases into America. The children have tuberculosis, scabies and lice so bad you can see them running down their faces.

“It’s one giant emergency room. They tell me tuberculosis has become a very dangerous issue there. Nurses say the number of children representing symptoms of tuberculosis is ‘simply staggering.’ Spitting up blood, chest pains, constant coughing. There are at least three confirmed cases for the illegals in Austin, Texas… The federal government is covering up the threat of the health crisis. They say the kids have scabies. They also say they have chicken pox. And lice so severe they can be seen crawling down the faces of the children.

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