Plane Mirror


When you look into a plane mirror, you will see an image of yourself which has the following characteristics:

  1. Your image is upright.
  2. Your image is the same size as you are.
  3. Your image is at the same distance as you are from the mirror.
    1. (Object distance = Image distance)
  4. Your left and right sides are interchanged in your image. So, your left hand becomes the right hand of your image. When this happens, your image is said to be laterally inverted.
  5. Your image is behind the mirror and cannot be seen on the screen. Your image is known as a virtual image.
Plane Mirror

plane mirror

plane mirror image

your image in a plane mirror is

what kind of image is formed by a plane mirror?

a plane mirror

image formed by a plane mirror

NCERT Solutions for class 9 English Beehive