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Volume 3, Issue 3, March– 2018 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Resume Refinement System using Semantic Analysis

Ruchita Haresh Makwana Aishwarya Mohan Medhekar Bhavika Vishanji Mrug
IT Department, IT Department, IT Department,
K J Somaiya Institute of Engineering K J Somaiya Institute of Engineering K J Somaiya Institute of Engineering
& IT, Sion, & IT, Sion, & IT, Sion,
Mumbai, India. Mumbai, India. Mumbai, India.

Abstract:- The Resume Refinement System focuses on The scope of our online recruitment system: The
online recruitment process, where the recruiter uses this Resume Refinement System will help the recruiter to find the
system to hire the suitable candidate. Recruiter post the appropriate candidate for the job post. It is the time saving
job-post, where the candidates upload their resumes and process for the recruitment. Since previously all this process
based on semantic analysis the web application will was done manually the chances of right candidate was
provide the list of shortlisted candidates to the recruiters. minimum. By using this system the chances of selecting right
Since web documents have different formats and contents; candidate is maximum. Besides using programming languages
it is necessary for various documents to use standards to to select candidate, we are going to use educational
normalize their modeling in order to facilitate retrieval background, years of experience etc. The scope of this project
task. The model must take into consideration, both the is to get right candidate for the job post, with minimum time
syntactic structure, and the semantic content of the requirement and to get efficient results.
documents. Resume is the document that summaries our
education, skills, accomplishments, and experience. Job II. LITERATURE SURVEY
seekers submit their Resume via the web. Therefore, in
their recruitment process, companies are requiring
systems for extraction and analysis of information from A. An Automatic Online Recruitment System Based on
Resume: identifying specific patterns, which meet with Exploiting Multiple Semantic Resources and Concept-
certain profile. To extract the essential component of Relatedness Measures.
Resumes and to relate them with recruiter's requirements
needs first, a study of their most significant elements and a Recruitment is considered among the most
better understanding of the resume feature. This work challenging functions for job portals and human resource (HR)
focuses on resume analysis. departments. This is because employers often receive a huge
number of resumes – some of which are uploaded as
Keywords:-Online recruitment, semantic analysis, neural unstructured documents in different formats such as .pdf, doc,
network, missing background knowledge. and .rtf, while others are uploaded according to specific forms
prepared by employers – that are difficult to manually process
I. INTRODUCTION and analyze. Recently, many companies have shifted to
Few years back recruitment process was done automatic online recruitment systems in an attempt to reduce
manually. HR posts the job requirements on a particular site the cost, time, and efforts required for screening out applicants
where candidates upload their resumes. Then the HR will and matching candidate resumes to their relevant job posts.
download the resumes and will do the keyword matching Several techniques/approaches have been employed by online
manually ignoring the semantics of the job post and the recruitment systems. Examples of these techniques are
resume contents due to which large number of gained results Boolean Retrieval, models based on Relevance Feedback ,
are irrelevant. To overcome this we have proposed this system Analytic Hierarchy Process, Semantics- based techniques, and
where it will do semantic analysis and will give appropriate Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine learning
results. based approaches. Although these techniques achieve good
matching results, they are still limited by the obstacles.
An online recruitment system that first employs
Natural Language Processing (NLP) tools to find and extract a In order to avoid the obstacles they have proposed an
list of candidate concepts from both job posts and candidates automatic online recruitment system that exploits multiple
resumes. Next, existing semantic resources (also referred to as semantic resources in an attempt to highlight and capture the
ontologies) are cooperatively incorporated to analyze the list semantic aspects of both job posts and candidate resumes. The
of candidate concepts at the semantics level. When a concept proposed system employs NLP pre-processing techniques to
is not recognized by the used semantic resources, statistical- identify and extract lists of candidate concepts from job posts
based concept-relatedness techniques are then used to address and resumes. In addition, it utilizes statistical concept-
this issue. relatedness measures (extracted from Hiring solved Dataset) to
enrich and expand the lists of candidate concepts with entities

IJISRT18MA192 193

Volume 3, Issue 3, March– 2018 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
i.e. concepts that were not initially recognized by the B. Proposed System
employed semantic resources.
Here we will create a web-application where resumes
B. Matching Sem Online recruitment system based on multiple and job post is given as a input to the system. Since web
semantic resources documents have different formats and contents it is necessary
to preprocess in order to facilitate retrieval task. To do so we
They have proposed an online recruitment system use NLP pre-processing Techniques which are as follows.
where they use a combination of multiple semantic resources First we will convert the resumes into a particular format i.e
and statistical based techniques. The aim behind using txt format. Then we will perform tokenization like sentence
multiple semantic resources is that they are capable of tokenization and word tokenization. Next we will remove the
representing several domains and derive the semantic aspects stop words like ‘the’ , ‘an’ , ‘a’ etc. Then we will do tf-idf,
of resumes and job posts. When some of the identified speech tagging, named entity recognition. Next we will create
concepts (from the resumes of job posts) are not found in the semantic networks of job post and resumes by using Word net,
employed semantic resources, then, the statistical-based Dbpedia ontologies and the algorithm used will be Jaro
semantic relatedness measures are used in an attempt to find distance for finding the similarity between both the networks.
the relation between those missing concepts i.e. from the Finally recruiter will get the resumes of suitable candidates.
semantic resources and those that are defined in them.

C. Toward the Next Generation of Recruitment Tools: An

Online Social Network-based Job Recommender System

The rapid growth of social networks in recent years

has developed a new business: the trade of social networks
users data. These social networks data are becoming important
for many companies around the world and are often used to
determine social networks users interests for items in order to
propose or advertise items to them. Recommender systems
help users deal with data overload by recommending to them
items that they would like. There has been a lot of work done Fig. 1:- Proposed System
on designing recommender systems during the last two
decades. and Netflix are two popular Existing System Proposed System
applications of recommender systems.
In the existing system, there In the proposed system we
Here they have proposed an online social network- is exact keyword matching. use semantic analysis for
based recommender system where it extracts the users arranging words to show
interests for job and recommends them accordingly. For doing relationship among them.
so they have considered the users interaction data like
comments, likes, publications etc and jobs descriptions to
predict users interests for jobs. This is particularly done for Here they use only Here we are considering
Facebook and LinkedIn Users. keyword matching for additional years of
refinement process. experience, missing
III. COMPARISON BETWEEN EXISTING & background knowledge for
PROPOSED SYSTEM refinement process.
A. Existing System
Specific document types Different document types
In this system they have used various modules which were only supported. such as pdf, docx are
are as follows. First they have used Concept Identification and supported where we convert
Extraction to create concept list from both resume and job it into standardized format
post. Here they have used td-idf and features list to do. Then like txt.
using feature list words they have retrieved words from
semantic resources like word net and yago2 and using those Techniques used by Techniques used in proposed
words they have constructed a semantic network. This existing system are system are NLP pre
network is formed by connecting the words by various types WordNet, Yago2. processing,WordNet,NLTK,
of semantic relations obtained from semantic resources. Also DBpedia
they have used Missing Background Knowledge Handler to
enrich the constructed semantic networks.
Table 1: Existing System v/s Proposed System

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Volume 3, Issue 3, March– 2018 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Proposed Online Resume Recruitment System is The Jaro distance is a measure of similarity between
based on semantic analysis where the system focuses on two strings R(Resume) and J(Job Post).This function is useful
online recruitment process, where the recruiter uses this to create semantic networks of job post and resumes. The
system to hire the suitable candidate. Recruiter post the job- higher the Jaro distance for two strings is, the more similar the
post and accordingly the candidates upload their resumes and strings are. The score is normalized such that 0 equates to no
based on semantic analysis the web application will provide similarity and 1 is an exact match.
the list of shortlisted candidates to the recruiters
 Input: R and J
 Natural Language Toolkit
Output: Measure of similarity between the strings R and J
● The Natural Language Toolkit, or more commonly based on the set of correspondences Semantic Network(SN).
NLTK, is a suite of libraries and programs for symbolic
and statistical natural language processing (NLP) for 1: int similarity;
English written in the Python programming language. It 2: result ();
was developed by Steven Bird and Edward Loper in the 3: for i=0;i<R.length;i++
Department of Computer and Information Science at the 4: for j=0;j<J.length;j++
University of Pennsylvania. NLTK includes graphical 5: result= Jaro(R[i],J[j])
demonstrations and sample data. It is accompanied by a 6: if(result<m) then
book that explains the underlying concepts behind the 7: add (R[i],J[j]) to SN
language processing tasks supported by the toolkit, plus a 8: similarity++;
cookbook. 9: end if
● NLTK is intended to support research and teaching in 10: end for
NLP or closely related areas, including empirical 11: end for
linguistics, cognitive science, artificial intelligence, 12:return result
information retrieval, and machine learning. NLTK has
been used successfully as a teaching tool, as an individual VI. CONCLUSION
study tool, and as a platform for prototyping and building
research systems. NLTK supports classification,
tokenization, stemming, tagging, parsing, and semantic The proposed system is
reasoning functionalities.[4]
 Reliable, fast and scalable approach.
 DBpedia  Selects the appropriate candidate for the job post.
 To increase the efficiency of result as compared to
● DBpedia is a crowd-sourced community effort to extract existing system.
structured information from Wikipedia and make this  To make the recruitment process easier.
information available on the Web. DBpedia allows you to  Minimizes the time of the selection process.
ask sophisticated queries against Wikipedia, and to link
the different data sets on the Web to Wikipedia data. REFERENCE
Knowledge bases are playing an increasingly important
role in enhancing the intelligence of Web and enterprise [1] An Automatic Online Recruitment System Based on
search and in supporting information integration. Today, Exploiting Multiple Semantic Resources and Concept-
most knowledge bases cover only specific domains, are Relatedness Measures, 2015 IEEE.
created by relatively small groups of knowledge
engineers, and are very cost intensive to keep up-to-date [2] Matching Sem: Online recruitment system based on
as domains change. At the same time, Wikipedia has multiple semantic resources, IEEE
grown into one of the central knowledge sources of
mankind, maintained by thousands of contributors.[5] [3] Toward the Next Generation of Recruitment Tools: An
● The DBpedia project leverages this gigantic source of Online Social Network-based Job Recommender System,
knowledge by extracting structured information from 2013 IEEE.
Wikipedia and by making this information accessible on
the Web under the terms of the Creative Commons [4] Natural Language Toolkit. Available:
Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License and the GNU Free
Documentation License.[5] [5] DBpedia. Available:

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