When I click "disagree," what I specifically mean is...
I disagree with the main point your post.
Something in your post is factually untrue.
You said you feel a certain way. I feel the opposite.
Your avatar is giving me a headache.
Something about your tone is annoying me.
Your post is too long, a text wall, or otherwise terribly formatted.
Your picture or .gif is broken. This makes me sad.
I'm offended by something you said and/or the way you said it.
I'm pretty sure you broke a site rule, but I'm clicking this instead of "report."
You may have made an excellent point, but your spelling or grammar sent me into a blind fury.
I'm pretending this button says "dislike."
I disagree so often with you in this forum that it's become a habit.
Your emoticons are out of control. Stop it!
I see you have an overwhelming number of agrees. I feel an inexplicable urge to balance this out.
Your post is fine, I just don't like you.
Oooooo.... pretty red button! Must click! O_O
Please Specify: