Comic Book Project

Scope of Work

Every team of two (2) students will investigate the physics behind the so-called mutation or scientific explanation. They will report their findings to the class and state their professional opinion regarding the "super"-powers in question and possible secret identities of this Super Workforce.

Physics Essential Questions

-How can you use Physics to create super powers?

-How can you balance real world Physics with Comic Book fictional elements?

Humanities Essential Questions

-How can you develop a structured plot line with deep characters that the audience will care about?

-What has society accepted as heroic and villainous qualities?

-How can you create a character that challenges status quo beliefs about heroic and villainous qualities?


-Psychological Profile of characters (2- one for each Physics Concept)

-Physics Explanation (2- one for each Physics Concept)

-Plot Structure

-Short Story and Storyboard-

-5 minute mini lesson on your Physics Concept

-Hands on demonstration of your Physics concept

-Comic Book (16-24 pages including title and encyclopedia pages)


The Superhero Physics Explanation must:

-- Discuss in detail how the Physics Concept is manipulated or defied

-- Have the important applicable equations, labeled variables, and example units

-- Describe a possible weakness

The Comic Book Presentation must:

-- Introduce the Comic Book Characters

-- Include the process of making the comic book

-- Include a hands on demonstration Physics concept

Encyclopedia Page must include:

-- An explanation of each concept

-- How does the character use the concept?

-- How is it used in real life?

Topics covered:





-Basics of Refraction

-Using refraction to burn

-Invisibility through refraction


-How do Magnets work?


-Universal Gravitation (Matter Ingestion or Gravity Manipulation) (Alex Power;[163] Geo-Force[164])

-Constructive and Destructive Wave Interference (Sonic Scream)

-Interference of waves

-Noise Canceling Headphones

-Static Electricity:

-Basics of Static Electricity

-More basics

-Ideal Gas Law:



-Density Control (Vision;[155] Thunder[156])

-Probability manipulation (Longshot;[180] Calamity King)

-Time Manipulation (Tempo;[189] Zoom;[190] Hiro Nakamura; Dio Brando)

-Electric manipulation (Electro;[200] Black Lightning;[201] Sailor Jupiter;[202] Elle Bishop)

-Energy conversion (Ability to absorb one form of energy and convert it into another form of energy)

If superpowers were real.

Notes from the talk that Eddie and Laura gave our class from Comic Con on Jan 8, 2014

Process Of Making A Comic Book.

Brainstorm/Research physics concepts.

Your physics concept is your path way to what your superhero or super villains super power is going to be. You have a choice between 7 physics concepts.

-Constructive/Destructive Interference.

-Static Electricity.

-Ideal Gas Law.





In order to decide what concepts you would like to use you have to research what they are and then turn them into a super power.


Refraction: When light waves bend and slow down when passing through and object.

Refraction Super Power:


-Burn things with light.

After you researched all 7 concepts and turned them into super powers, decide which ones you would like to use to expand on to do further research and power developing. You will then present these in a quick elevator pitch with a 10 - 20 second showing of your concept and then a 10 - 20 second pitch on the power branched from that concept.

Make a character(s) out of physics concepts.

Now that you have created a few super powers you should give those powers to a character that you're going to make. Every super hero needs a secret identity. The character sheet has all of the information that you need to create your character(s), like name, age, gender, living area, and a quick description of what their personality is like. You can also do a sketch of how your character looks like. If you look at the picture he looks. The characters the students made in the examples are Holt Damini an 18 year old Indian girl and Patrina Abegnego the 17 year old girl from England.

After you have the secret identity figured out, and you have super power figured out, now you can make the super hero. Your super hero page has to have significant background events that give them more character, behavior patterns, relationships, and of course their super hero name. When Holt and Patrina put on their crime fighting costumes they become Electric Shock and The Metal Magnet.

Structure the story plot.

Characters need a story to be in so this is going to be your first step in writing that story. Just like the character profiles the plot diagram has all of the information to fill out that will help you. Every story needs the essential things like, main characters, setting, conflict, and theme. If you have all of those things filled out you can create a pretty good story.

A plot is the most important part of a story because the plot is the combination of all of those essential things I mentioned before. A basic plot structure is set up like a roller coaster. You start at the exposition which is the beginning of the story, establishing the settings, and characters. After that you work on your rising action which is the longest part of a story. The rising action is every event that happens until the climax of the story which is the turning point of the story, like when Darth Vader reviled himself to be Lukes father. The climax is the top of the roller coaster and then you fall passing the falling action which is the event that takes place after the climax, and the resolution which is the end of the whole story.

Write story drafts.

Now that you have a plot diagram ready to go you can start writing it. Think of the plot diagram like a skeleton and the actual story is going to be the a complete human. A story takes more then one draft to write so you're going to get critique and rewrite at least 3 times. If you click the picture example on the right you can read the final written draft of Holt and Patrina's story. You most likely be working with a partner so the story is written in two different text colors to show the two peoples work load.

Storyboard the story.

Draw panels and use comic life.

Make The Physics Concept page.

Finalize comic book.

Movie on Storyboarding: