Ecoventure Online Consent Form
To be completed by parent or guardian if the participant is under 18yrs of age
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GEMS World Academy Dubai
Grade 4 Camp - Group 1 - Nov 27-28
Participants Name *
Gender *
Date of Birth *
Year or Grade Group *
Class Teachers Name *
Name of parent / guardian to be contacted in case of emergency *
Emergency contact number  - Mobile *
Emergency contact number - Landline *
Emergency contact email address *
Dietary Requirements *
All food provided on camp is halal
Does the participant have any medical conditions, require any medicine, or have any allergies *
Medical Conditions / Required Medicines / Allergies
Can the participant swim unassisted *
Ecoventure Terms and Conditions
Please read the terms and conditions by clicking this link.
I have read and understand Ecoventure's Terms and Conditions and agree to the terms as stated without reservation. I/We herby certify that I/we am/are legally empowered to consent to such permission on behalf of the minor named above. *
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