This blog is inactive

I really appreciate the new follows! However I’m no longer doing Splatoon art and so this site will only serve as an archive.

I know many have been looking forward to the phone backgrounds but I won’t do series of Splatoon 3, sorry. That being said, I want to do a quick FAQ here:

1. Can we repost/share your art in ___?

  • Yes! You can but please do remember to credit with the link of this blog.

2. Can we use the phone backgrounds for personal use?

  • Yes. It was intended for personal use only. Personal use includes as phone bg, icons, banners, etc. If it’s online remember to credit!

3. What about commercial use?

  • Absolutely not. Physical merch or any form behind a paywall is not allowed so if you see someone who does this please report them. I made them free for a reason. And if you see the seller passing by my name, it’s not me.

4. Can we recreate the art style and do our own backgrounds?

  • By all means! This was a fun personal project for everyone to enjoy and I don’t see why you shouldn’t do your own with your own tastes. As long it’s your own creation, you can do whatever you want with it.

Hope everyone have a good day.

~ krintou

read pinned splatoon

Well, hello again haha

As you may have seen I have actually stopped using this blog and tumblr all together, moved mainly to twitter for another fandom (ffxiv took another soul I tell you)

As for what people have sent to me:

I’m so happy people still recognize my phone wallpapers art, but in another part, nope, I did not work on the vector art you saw on Splatoon3 promo and the fact it really looks quite identical makes me… concerned. 

I don’t feel entitled as to say I’m the creator of that type of design art style nor that someone may have copied my designs for official work but the timing as all these works appeared long time after I have finished with this series makes me worried in my end and that also people will never know that I have created them long before.

In the end, I made these for free for anyone’s personal enjoyment. Reposters and merch bots be damned lol. Sadly I lost interest on amking this and less have the time to do them like I used to so I won’t be doing anymore for Splat3.

I literally logged in for the first time to write this and I may not come back but for everyone who still enjoys my wallpapers, thank you!!! And even more to those haven’t forget about me :^D

Hope everyone enjoys this splatfest demo and the full game when it releases. I love Big Man btw. Ciao!

Anonymous asked:

Hey, don't know if you're still active or not, but there's someone posting your art on Tiktok. They're @/splattytoon2.

phew, hello. Thank you for the message!

I didn’t know tiktok also u could post images < (doesn’t use it). Just by crediting me is fine.


krata-tat-tat asked:

I'd just like to thank you for making the tetra dualies wallpaper my favourite shade of pink (the best colour) I could not decide which ones I wanted to use as my wallpaper because of how nice and well done all of them were. All your work is amazing!!

So glad you liked them, thank you so much!!! :^D


rtl-override asked:

Hello! I noticed that on your second Squeezer wallpaper, the one with a dark background and the two crossed in an X, neither of them have foil. Would it be too much trouble to ask for a version where one has foil? It’s okay if you don't do it. I just tend to use Foil but I also love the way that background looks. Thank you for making all of these. They're stunning :-O

Hi!! Sadly I don’t plan to change the wallpapers designs at this point ;;w;;; Thank you so much!!! So happy you liked them :^D

ask anonymous

Anonymous asked:

Samus had a Medusa Gun in the comic series that she used on her bounties. Would that help?


That’s interesting! Don’t think I’ll design more characters + weapons tho :^(( But thanks for the suggestion!

ask anonymous ((im alive

Anonymous asked:

Is there anyway to support you? I really adore your wallpapers with all the weapons so I was wondering if there is a place to by prints of your art?

Hi!! For now I don’t have neither a store or patreon since my current job is taking most of my time and also…. kinda want to stop selling merch from other IPs (perhaps since I’m now working on game industry I kinda find it awkward)

But thank you so much for considering! It means a lot ❤️ One thing for sure is once the company I work on is ready to release our first game I would really appreciate the support on it, I’ll make sure to share it here as well! :^D

ask anonymous

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