✭ Who: Anyone’s welcome! The event will be held upon (mostly) neutral grounds in Vesper Bay. Garlean characters will be welcome. ✭ What: A musical festival featuring numerous stalls and games, and performers singing about their place of origin with original lyrics. ✭ When: 29th of September, at 8PM EDT ✭ Where: Vesper Bay; Western Thanalan - Balmung ✭ Stalls and games wanted: We’re still looking to add additional games and stalls to the festival; or anything you can think of to further the idea of a festival. Contact (Roy#0437) or @thebaileymail if interested. Additional info: Those that are intimidated by performance events, and would rather busy themselves with RP not pertaining to the performances, fret not! The performance section will be limited to /yell; so one can easily opt in and out of that particular experience by ticking /yell on and off! 

Interested in attending, or want to help out in any way, shape or form? Join our discord server: https://discord.gg/5uYJkZt

Poster made by the amazing @savothesewercat

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