PORTLAND Maine — Personal income grew in all of Maine’s 16 counties from 2013 to 2014, but the overall growth in income was slower for each county than the national average.

The figures released Thursday by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis reflect total personal income received by everyone in each county, including payments from government entities like Social Security.

The figures show that Somerset, Waldo and Hancock counties topped the state for growth in total personal income and growth in per-capita personal income from 2013 to 2014.

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The figures, not adjusted for inflation, showed that personal income grew in 2,662 counties across the country and fell in 438, by an average of 4.4 percent.

The figures also show that areas of the state with the lowest per-capita income saw some of the slowest rates of growth. Counties including Penobscot, Oxford, Aroostook, Kennebec and Franklin saw per-capita personal income rise at a slower rate than Cumberland County, which has the highest personal income in the state by far.

Cumberland County’s total personal income was estimated at about $14 billion in 2014, compared with about $8.6 billion for next-highest York County, $5.5 billion for Penobscot County and $3.9 billion for Androscoggin County.

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Last year, per-capita personal income by county ranged from $15,787 in Wheeler County, Georgia, to $194,485 in Teton County, Wyoming, in 2014.

Statewide, Maine’s per-capita personal income was $40,745 last year.

Darren is a Portland-based reporter for the Bangor Daily News writing about the Maine economy and business. He's interested in putting economic data in context and finding the stories behind the numbers.